index by date
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2301. 09-09 重啟咲良田
2300. 07-06 Let's Encrypt for *
2299. 07-05 Miko Mitama, The Grateful Crane, and Urashima Taro
2298. 03-16 Backup Google Authenticator secrets
2297. 03-15 Rooting Pixel 2 with MacBook
2296. 01-18 How to X with/in programming [languages]
2295. 01-07 Seventh coat(セブンスコート)
2294. 12-11 遊戲經濟 (0)
2293. 08-04 Battle Cats feedback
2292. 04-04 The Battle Cats 貓咪大戰爭
2291. 03-26 Faeria 可能就玩到這
2290. 11-29 Things I cannot fix for my new macbook pro
2289. 09-08 Finally fixed my iTerm2
2288. 09-03 北投女巫
2287. 04-07 GW2 WvW Zerg Bursting Chronomancer
2286. 02-25 Finally got letsencrypt done
2285. 02-16 Whenever Sublime Text updates...
2284. 01-23 第三小鎮 Design Town (Flip City)
2283. 01-19 A few thoughts on "nil Is Not NULL, and Other Tales"
2282. 07-28 Using PostgreSQL JSONB with Rails 4.1
2281. 06-29 Guild Wars 2 中 Mesmer WvW zerg build
2280. 06-16 地城戰棋
2279. 12-29 fish like up/down history search for readline (or bash)
2278. 12-27 ThreadGroup local variables
2277. 12-09 Fwd: 捕捉遊戲裡的魔幻時刻
2276. 09-10 Authorizing with rest-more (actually, random thoughts)
2275. 08-20 Spellbook 重啟動
2274. 08-20 白雪公主殺人事件
2273. 08-20 Lego the Movie
2272. 08-12 胡式漢語
2271. 08-10 edit last git commit
2270. 07-30 打過的遊戲
2269. 07-20 If I am making a game
2268. 07-08 hackerdojo
2267. 05-27 web app performance
2266. 05-04 [ANN] rest-core 3.0.0 and rest-more 3.0.0 just released
2265. 03-01 最近完全迷上 Infinity Wars
2264. 02-17 Rails + Bower on Heroku
2263. 02-15 CandySwipe 給 King 的開放信
2262. 01-24 興趣與工作
2261. 01-24 Think about a talk for
2260. 01-21 Why Bother to Create? Why Not Just Use?
2259. 01-06 Muack as a development runtime static typing system
2258. 01-05 Muack as a mocky patching library
2257. 12-10 tracing in pow
2256. 12-04 why spy?
2255. 11-20 ruby-install 和 chruby
2254. 11-19 複雜 (3)
2253. 11-19 云風:一個編程的自由人(圖靈訪談)
2252. 11-07 OO, Variance, Type Safety
2251. 10-29 複雜 (2)
2250. 10-20 複雜 (1)
2249. 10-17 程式語言與工具
2248. 10-12 複雜 (0)
2247. 08-28 Small Ruby Talk
2246. 08-21 Rails with threaded and multi-process server on Heroku
2245. 08-05 Remove Apple's ugly colorful emoticon
2244. 07-25 taste of sodium
2243. 07-24 taste of reactive-banana
2242. 06-27 [ANN] muack 0.7.0 released
2241. 06-21 方向
2240. 04-13 Re: Regarding the recommended Ruby app server
2239. 04-11 Fwd: Node’s biggest missed opportunity
2238. 04-08 Regarding the recommended Ruby app server
2237. 02-24 疲憊與遊戲
2236. 02-20 日前的夢
2235. 02-09 逃避現實
2234. 02-07 很多的最近
2233. 01-16 收到帖子
2232. 01-12 一月十二
2231. 01-03 睡了 19 小時 XD
2230. 12-27 真可笑
2229. 12-25 guildwars2 soundtrack 終於到了
2228. 12-25 近日與 guildwars2 (2)
2227. 12-22 近日與 guildwars2
2226. 12-20 二三事唔 (1)
2225. 12-20 二三事唔 (0)
2224. 12-14 與 ko1 的一些聊天內容 (2)
2223. 12-13 與 ko1 的一些聊天內容
2222. 12-09 Regarding Fibers
2221. 12-02 十二零二
2220. 11-29 十一二九
2219. 11-24 資料轉移步驟 (4) 關於硬碟
2218. 11-24 資料轉移步驟 (3) 軟體與 Firefox tweak
2217. 11-24 異常白癡
2216. 11-23 minimal interface
2215. 11-23 iTerm2 colors: Dark Illumina
2214. 11-22 資料轉移步驟 (2) 調教
2213. 11-21 資料轉移步驟
2212. 11-14 Guild Wars 2 目前心得 (2)
2211. 11-14 Guild Wars 2 目前心得
2210. 11-14 閒扯倦怠
2209. 11-12 最近奇妙的睡眠狀況
2208. 11-02 名片夾遺失
2207. 10-31 rest-core and rest-more 2.0.0 released, and more
2206. 10-21 Friendship is Witchcraft 與 Windows (2)
2205. 10-20 Friendship is Witchcraft 與 Windows
2204. 10-18 Why we need Git consultants
2203. 10-14 獨立遊戲開發者分享會121014
2202. 10-08 就流水帳
2201. 10-02 忽然
2200. 09-29 "The past cannot be beaten"
2199. 09-28 Mysterious Heroku issue with paperclip
2198. 09-26 新電腦,新螢幕,與 Guild Wars (2)
2197. 09-24 新電腦,新螢幕,與 Guild Wars
2196. 09-21 Save myself from bundler (3)
2195. 09-20 Save myself from bundler (2)
2194. 09-19 二零一二九月十九
2193. 09-14 睽違多年的 Guild Wars 2
2192. 09-12 Save myself from bundler
2191. 09-03 一波三折的 SpaceChem
2190. 08-22 想睡時間
2189. 08-20 調整 Graveborn
2188. 08-20 日前寫的 jojo 筆記
2187. 08-19 "I think I died long ago and you two are my eternal punishment"
2186. 08-15 [ANN] rest-core 1.0.3 released
2185. 08-12 正所謂屋漏偏逢連夜雨
2184. 08-04 隨機呢喃 (0)
2183. 08-03 Gate of Pain, 三年後!
2182. 08-02 好 rubyconf, 不投嗎?
2181. 08-02 Steam and GSB, 繞了一大圈
2180. 07-23 獨立遊戲開發者分享會120722
2179. 07-23 象棋解謎
2178. 07-22 七二二
2177. 07-20 Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
2176. 07-20 Guild Wars 生日禮物
2175. 07-18 挖開兔子洞
2174. 07-02 七月二號 (LoL)
2173. 06-24 Indie Game: The Movie 非心得
2172. 06-22 錯置
2171. 06-22 LoL and case sensitivity
2170. 06-16 A Taste of RubyMotion
2169. 06-12 倒楣
2168. 06-12 rest-core 2.0 roadmap, thunk based response
2167. 06-02 不蘇湖
2166. 06-01 twitter 統計
2165. 05-24 Old Man's War 心得
2164. 05-14 暫時放棄 guildwars 2
2163. 05-12 clojure 初步心得
2162. 04-24 scala meetup 心得
2161. 04-22 board game 暫時買到這
2160. 04-20 eit-gem with fish completion!
2159. 04-19 thread-safe is not fiber-safe; fiber-safe could be even harder (4)
2158. 04-17 翻滾 (2)
2157. 04-17 翻滾
2156. 04-14 目標
2155. 04-13 兩款 kickstarter 上的卡片遊戲
2154. 04-09 兩天遊記 (board game)
2153. 04-08 到底該怎麼做才可以跟你說幾句話啊 :s
2152. 04-08 洞窟物語組曲!
2151. 04-05 thread-safe is not fiber-safe; fiber-safe could be even harder (3)
2150. 04-05 反覆與步調
2149. 04-04 thread-safe is not fiber-safe; fiber-safe could be even harder (2)
2148. 04-04 thread-safe is not fiber-safe; fiber-safe could be even harder
2147. 04-03 自由意志
2146. 03-31 週四
2145. 03-30 softwares i used on my mac
2144. 03-26 這樣也行 O_o
2143. 03-21 tests stats
2142. 03-21 bundler is infecting ENV
2141. 03-21 最近
2140. 03-20 [ANN] rib 1.0.4 released
2139. 03-20 [ANN] sync-defer 0.9.2 released
2138. 03-19 Shut up Unicorn's Rack::CommonLogger for Rails' assets
2137. 03-19 Power Grid, 籌碼, Kickstarter
2136. 03-18 [ANN] rest-more 1.0.0 released
2135. 03-18 [ANN] rest-core 1.0.0 released
2134. 03-12 simple plist parser with nokogiri
2133. 03-10 來篇最近 (2)
2132. 03-10 《妄想代理人》
2131. 03-09 spellbook 紙牌版 quick note (1)
2130. 03-09 來篇最近
2129. 03-09 Agricola (農家樂) (1)
2128. 03-07 spellbook 紙牌版 quick note (0)
2127. 03-02 晚睡
2126. 02-29 娛樂 & 同人 CD & GuildWars Makeover Pack
2125. 02-23 prototype-based 與 class-based
2124. 02-19 Fiber-aware asynchronous rest-core
2123. 02-16 kramdown and hljs for the documentation
2122. 02-15 2012-02-15
2121. 02-13 睡覺
2120. 02-12 Ora et Labora 初玩心得
2119. 02-11 Turn off Google Instant Search on Chrome
2118. 02-09 [ANN] rest-core 0.8.1 released
2117. 02-07 sinatra pitfalls
2116. 02-06 Agricola (農家樂) (0)
2115. 01-20 新的配置
2114. 01-20 最近吃很兇...
2113. 01-13 一點簡單的回顧
2112. 01-11 sequel gem pitfalls
2111. 01-10 PONPONPON (and Kids React)
2110. 01-09 wtf rails notes (0)
2109. 01-04 睡不著的呢喃
2108. 01-01 理想的 server concurrency 架構 (2)
2107. 01-01 理想的 server concurrency 架構
2106. 12-28 [ANN] rib-heroku 0.8.0 released
2105. 12-28 [ANN] shere 0.9.1 released
2104. 12-28 paperclip and temporary files
2103. 12-24 concurrency and coroutine 的目前了解
2102. 12-19 mongodump failed with "errno:2 No such file or directory"
2101. 12-16 最初的選擇 (2)
2100. 12-14 HTTP Status Cats!
2099. 12-14 Rails 3.1 on Heroku Cedar serving assets
2098. 12-12 囈語 (1)
2097. 12-12 囈語 (0)
2096. 12-08 最初的選擇
2095. 12-08 無名
2094. 12-05 有這麼敏銳?
2093. 12-04 睡太久
2092. 12-01 [ANN] rest-more 0.8.0 released
2091. 12-01 [ANN] rest-core 0.8.0 released
2090. 11-29 bad design in gem rest-client
2089. 11-29 gem mongo is causing problems again
2088. 11-28 永遠的最近
2087. 11-27 吵死了..
2086. 11-27 in memory of 冷山烏龍? (2)
2085. 11-27 水域
2084. 11-26 三體 (0)
2083. 11-25 [ANN] rest-graph 2.0.1 released
2082. 11-23 找不到我的塑膠湯匙
2081. 11-21 Gödel's incompleteness theorems
2080. 11-21 Lilac chaser / McGurk effect
2079. 11-21 ACML 2011
2078. 11-20 rest-more (rest-core) 與 omniauth
2077. 11-19 深入淺出 hello world (llvm toolchain?)
2076. 11-08 2011-11-07
2075. 11-06 人類、機器、與程式設計者
2074. 11-05 [ANN] shere 0.9.0 released
2073. 11-05 [ANN] rib 1.0.0 released
2072. 11-05 [ANN] rest-more released
2071. 11-05 [ANN] rest-core 0.7.2 released
2070. 11-04 How to run Rails 2 on Ruby 1.9.3
2069. 10-27 換 ip 了 (2)
2068. 10-27 Faultline
2067. 10-27 Anti-Piracy Strategy runs its first live test!
2066. 10-27 Pac-Man (walkthrough)
2065. 10-27 the origin of firefox name, and its logo
2064. 10-19 play gray!
2063. 10-18 Run tests faster and iterate faster in Rails 3.1!
2062. 10-13 Is proper variance compatible with objects/classes?
2061. 10-12 換 ip 了 (1)
2060. 10-11 換 ip 了 (0)
2059. 10-08 [ANN] rest-graph 2.0.0 released
2058. 10-08 [ANN] rest-more 0.7.0 released
2057. 10-08 [ANN] rest-core 0.7.0 released
2056. 10-05 concurrency model 的選擇?
2055. 10-04 change keyboard modifiers on mac
2054. 10-02 [ANN] tidyup 0.9.0 released
2053. 10-01 主要是可用時間很少吧?
2052. 10-01 Sacrifice (0)
2051. 09-29 最近狀況實在很差 :(
2050. 09-28 copying table to table efficiently in postgres
2049. 09-28 Running rib-rails on Heroku cedar stack (2)
2048. 09-28 Running rib-rails on Heroku cedar stack
2047. 09-27 [ANN] rest-core 0.4.0 released
2046. 09-27 rest-core talk video at
2045. 09-25 Arithmetic expression parser using Parsec (2)
2044. 09-25 Arithmetic expression parser using Parsec
2043. 09-19 json and xml
2042. 09-19 prevent google from hacking links
2041. 09-18 Ruins of Morah (mission)
2040. 09-18 blog + personal wiki 計畫 (0)
2039. 09-17 murmur (42)
2038. 09-11 2011-09-11
2037. 09-10 spellbook design reference
2036. 09-05 We're hiring!
2035. 09-04 google analytic for
2034. 09-04 google analytic for this blog
2033. 09-04 [ANN] rest-core 0.3.0 released
2032. 09-03 [ANN] rib 0.9.5 released
2031. 09-03 撰寫 ruby 好似無所不能..?
2030. 09-03 2011-09-03
2029. 09-02 my commits stats...
2028. 09-02 rails 的 console 實作 (2)
2027. 09-01 rails 的 console 實作
2026. 09-01 [ANN] rib 0.9.4 released
2025. 09-01 next step for rib and rest-core! (中文)
2024. 08-28 得證,一切都是哲學 (2)
2023. 08-28
2022. 08-28 Facebook Graph API and the "connections" (media?) :P
2021. 08-25 [ANN] rest-core 0.2.1 released
2020. 08-25 [ANN] rib 0.9.2 released
2019. 08-24 rest-core (4) 雜談
2018. 08-24 [ANN] rest-core 0.2.0 released
2017. 08-23 Haskell permutation
2016. 08-20 [ANN] rib 0.9.1 released
2015. 08-19 [ANN] readline_buffer 0.9.0 released
2014. 08-18 性向測驗?
2013. 08-14 [ANN] rib 0.9.0 released
2012. 08-14 Exhaustive Tests
2011. 08-03 [ANN] ripl-rc 0.2.4 released
2010. 08-02 Ruby and Rails (and Web)
2009. 07-31 做投影片
2008. 07-31 輸入
2007. 07-30 Spellcheck only for English in vim
2006. 07-23 [ANN] unigrep 1.0.0 released
2005. 07-23 GuildWars GvG 資料
2004. 07-20 搬家!(goodbye appengine, hello dotcloud and zerigo)
2003. 07-17 2011-07-17
2002. 07-12 最近
2001. 07-10 風聲
2000. 07-09 Where We All Must Sup (estiah)
1999. 07-08 wonderful git-subtree (dev log)
1998. 07-05 〈磔刑の聖女〉& probability monad
1997. 07-02 最近 (2)
1996. 07-02 一些想法關於 What Philosophy of Science Can Say for Software Engineers
1995. 06-30 Run Ruby tests inside the main process. No shells.
1994. 06-27 rest-core (3) (dev log)
1993. 06-27 Gave up memprof (and RVM)
1992. 06-27 setting default application for mac
1991. 06-27 終於解了我 bash 一直以來的問題之一
1990. 06-25 想不到啥標題,然後不小心回想起一件事
1989. 06-23 STM and dining philosophers
1988. 06-20 最近
1987. 06-16 11 點起
1986. 06-16 a new feature mainly for anchor in ripl-rc
1985. 06-16 失落的封印
1984. 06-15 Blackmore's night: Under a Violet Moon
1983. 06-12 發條鳥年代記 (1)
1982. 06-12 2O1l-○6-|2
1981. 06-11 發條鳥年代記 (0)
1980. 06-09 ssh tunneling tcp/port forwarding
1979. 06-08 wsgi/rack union? (2)
1978. 06-07 Guild Wars: Rilohn Refuge
1977. 06-06 Guild Wars: Master of Magic
1976. 06-06 Eye of the North and Kodonur Crossroads
1975. 06-05 Inception
1974. 06-04 rest-core (2)
1973. 06-04 google 帳號合併
1972. 06-04 小額付款
1971. 06-02 rant (0) attachment_fu on ruby 1.9.2
1970. 06-01 [ANN] ripl-rc 0.2.2 is released
1969. 06-01 `git rebase --interactive` to fix merging branch
1968. 05-31 rest-core (1)
1967. 05-29 匿名遊戲 / "INTOXICANT" (ENG sub)
1966. 05-28 Logicomix
1965. 05-28 rest-core (0)
1964. 05-25 得證,一切都是哲學
1963. 05-25 永遠的最近
1962. 05-24 Heroku locale
1961. 05-24 書店
1960. 05-22 Haskell/Category theory (0)
1959. 05-18 oauth 筆記
1958. 05-17 strictness, laziness, and termination
1957. 05-16 kalafina live 2010
1956. 05-15 mplayer dvd://
1955. 05-15 mac is not for people who...
1954. 05-15 2011-05-15
1953. 05-15 GUI 視窗陰影
1952. 05-14 coffee-script (4) (and regexp, ruby)
1951. 05-14 coffee-script (3)
1950. 05-12 yet more funny programming languages
1949. 05-12 coffee-script (2)
1948. 05-11 睡不著
1947. 05-11 coffee-script
1946. 05-10 minimal (?) example for oa-oauth linkedin
1945. 05-09 travis-ci
1944. 05-08 pattern matching, strict or non-strict?
1943. 05-07 display broken images in firefox
1942. 05-07 structural or sequential?
1941. 05-07 denotational programming
1940. 05-06 Oracle v Google
1939. 05-05 rubygems 1.8.0
1938. 05-05 bottom, bottom, ⊥, ⊥, ⊥...
1937. 05-02 [ANN] CuBeat alpha release
1936. 05-01 無比疲憊
1935. 04-30 heroku 對於這次 aws 災難的解釋 (2)
1934. 04-28 heroku 對於這次 aws 災難的解釋
1933. 04-26 types of programming, based on languages (2)
1932. 04-26 types of programming, based on languages
1931. 04-26 powerset (4)
1930. 04-25 Ruby gotcha from 1.8 to 1.9
1929. 04-24 這次 EC2 的大災難
1928. 04-24 set locale on heroku..
1927. 04-22 Installing Ruby 1.9.2 on your Mac
1926. 04-20 list of ruby facebook client libraries
1925. 04-20 VMware CloudFoundry
1924. 04-18 2011-04-18 (HIB? Revenge of the Titans?)
1923. 04-14 git-cola
1922. 04-13 無止盡的 rails (ActiveRecord) 地雷...
1921. 04-13 R: [問題] 關於Ruby的多型
1920. 04-13 沉沒
1919. 04-12 POST request for FQL in rest-graph
1918. 04-12 rubinius and jruby
1917. 04-10 [ANN] ripl-rc 0.2.0 is released
1916. 04-10 cubeat 回顧 (1)
1915. 04-09 How the HR department...
1914. 04-09 Product design at GitHub
1913. 04-08 heroku + ActiveRecord 地雷
1912. 04-07 wtf heroku 1.20.0 is disappeared
1911. 04-06 downgrade rubygems
1910. 04-06 cleanup rails after upgrade
1909. 04-05 CrossOver Guild Wars (5)
1908. 04-05 2011-04-05
1907. 03-31 AC! 攻強皇國機甲
1906. 03-30 地雷 heroku (dependes on activesupport) breaks dm-core
1905. 03-30 meta-joke (youtube compilation from buzz)
1904. 03-29 Sublime Text 2 (1)
1903. 03-29 Sublime Text 2 (0)
1902. 03-26 [ANN] ripl-rc 0.1.5 is released
1901. 03-25 終於灌起來了! haskell-platform
1900. 03-25 random thoughts on imperative/functional (2)
1899. 03-24 轉接線壞也
1898. 03-24 CrossOver Guild Wars (4)
1897. 03-23 kindle 3 (1) Oscar Wilde?
1896. 03-22 不蘇湖
1895. 03-20 random thoughts on imperative/functional
1894. 03-20 games i played currently
1893. 03-17 asynchronized heroku-scaler in ruby 1.9 (2)
1892. 03-17 chrome google search style for firefox
1891. 03-16 CrossOver Guild Wars (3)
1890. 03-14 搞不定的字型問題
1889. 03-14 ec2 quick note
1888. 03-13 小神傳
1887. 03-11 CrossOver Guild Wars (2)
1886. 03-08 CrossOver Guild Wars (1)
1885. 03-08 CrossOver Guild Wars (0)
1884. 03-07 kindle 3 (0)
1883. 03-07 誤解
1882. 03-02 lua (1)
1881. 03-02 lua (0)
1880. 03-01 夏目友人帳 (2)
1879. 02-28 ripl-rc (1) (ripl, an irb replacement)
1878. 02-27 retake (1)
1877. 02-27 Dir.glob bug in ruby??? gem tasks handler
1876. 02-24 Life isn't fair
1875. 02-23 ripl-rc (0)
1874. 02-22 SD, a P2P bug tracking system
1873. 02-22 早睡新絕招? (3)
1872. 02-22 2011-02-21 早睡新絕招? (2)
1871. 02-22 gmail priority inbox
1870. 02-22 早睡新絕招?
1869. 02-21 2011-02-21
1868. 02-21 after 獨立遊戲開發者分享會
1867. 02-17 estiah Hatred
1866. 02-16 estiah Coliseum (0)
1865. 02-15 javascript checker (2)
1864. 02-15 javascript checker
1863. 02-14 ruby coroutine with fiber or enumerator
1862. 02-13 總算爬起來
1861. 02-13 一週的日夜顛倒
1860. 02-11 漢語拼音輸入法 (0)
1859. 02-08 retake (0)
1858. 02-07 feedback meeting (3)
1857. 02-06 夏目友人帳 (1)
1856. 02-04 MPlayer OSX Extended
1855. 02-03 夏目友人帳 (0)
1854. 02-02 8G RAM
1853. 02-02 龍族二 (3)
1852. 01-31 sftp on mac
1851. 01-29 龍族二 (2)
1850. 01-29 是 parent 還是 child?
1849. 01-29 feedback meeting (2)
1848. 01-21 feedback meeting (1) 2011-01-20
1847. 01-19 feedback meeting (0)
1846. 01-13 Where the Wild Things Are
1845. 01-11 有這麼神智不清嗎?
1844. 2011-01-10 milestone?
1843. 01-04 murmur (41)
1842. 12-31 捷運
1841. 12-28 2010-12-28
1840. 12-25 浴缸
1839. 12-25 macbook pro 攝影機
1838. 12-25 龍族二
1837. 12-24 wrote as requested
1836. 12-17 須藤元気 (Genki Sudo)
1835. 12-10 不滿足與希望
1834. 12-10 「侵略ノススメ☆」【GAMEBOY】
1833. 12-10 升級 xcode (2)
1832. 12-08 升級 xcode
1831. 12-07 HD800 (2)
1830. 12-07 HD800
1829. 12-03 bundler workflow
1828. 11-30 DT48E 200 ohm
1827. 11-30 The Burning Crusade
1826. 11-29 死亡之門 (0)
1825. 11-28 Langueage & Text and Adium 1.4+
1824. 11-28 rails 2 didn't respect timezone doing db query
1823. 11-25 bundle exec rainbows
1822. 11-19 2010-11-19
1821. 11-14 情緒記憶的包袱太過沉重
1820. 11-08 哈哈,好茫然
1819. 11-07 King of No Man (2) (estiah)
1818. 11-07 記憶力
1817. 11-06 2010-11-06
1816. 11-03 彈幕 Bad Apple (2) 音樂也要彈幕
1815. 11-03 彈幕 Bad Apple
1814. 10-29 nack -- Node powered Rack server
1813. 10-28 [ANN] Unicorn 2.0.0, 1.1.5, 1.0.2 released!
1812. 10-28 我想 (2)
1811. 10-28 一般人在哪裡
1810. 10-24 Magic: the Gathering
1809. 10-23 我想
1808. 10-23 estiah status (1) (deck)
1807. 10-20 問題
1806. 10-18 rails test weirdness
1805. 10-17 District 9
1804. 10-17 之前看的幾本書 (0)
1803. 10-17 Moon (film)
1802. 10-16 The Man from Earth
1801. 10-16 罷了
1800. 10-14 links (3)
1799. 10-14 Foursquare outage post mortem
1798. 10-13 quick and dirty java impl summary
1797. 10-13 手酸 tumblr
1796. 10-13 why so serious
1795. 10-11 positive feedback
1794. 10-10 【超扯童話血多】賣火柴小女孩
1793. 10-10 Out of Sight
1792. 10-07 敦南誠品
1791. 10-06 2010-10-06
1790. 10-06 2010-10-05 (2)
1789. 10-05 2010-10-05
1788. 10-03 2010-10-02 (2)
1787. 10-02 2010-10-02
1786. 09-30 secret_old_rest in rest-graph
1785. 09-29 今天吹的是何風?
1784. 09-29 bundler for rails 2.3.9 on heroku (2)
1783. 09-27 bundler for rails 2.3.9 on heroku
1782. 09-27 Minei the MineSweeper Flags AI (0)
1781. 09-26 2010-09-26
1780. 09-23 2010-09-23
1779. 09-23 postgres9 bytea hex format
1778. 09-22 Come hunt my head! (estiah)
1777. 09-21 fake_submodule.rb
1776. 09-21 upgrade postgres from 8 to 9
1775. 09-19 迷惘與不安 (3)
1774. 09-18 這一週
1773. 09-17 git format-patch bug?
1772. 09-17 asynchronized heroku-scaler in ruby 1.9
1771. 09-17 bundler as version conflict resolver (2)
1770. 09-16 blogger is editing my post!
1769. 09-16 bundler as version conflict resolver
1768. 09-16 mongrel2? fossil?
1767. 09-13 broken_old_rest
1766. 09-13 King of No Man (1) (estiah)
1765. 09-12 King of No Man (0) (estiah)
1764. 09-12 estiah status (0)
1763. 09-12 2010-09-12 (殺時間)
1762. 09-10 昨天
1761. 09-10 睡覺
1760. 09-06 the beginning of a week?
1759. 09-06 git filter-branch (2)
1758. 09-06 正向思考全壘打
1757. 09-05 2010-09-05
1756. 09-04 2010-09-04 (2)
1755. 09-04 2010-09-04
1754. 08-31 迷惘與不安 (2)
1753. 08-31 迷惘與不安
1752. 08-31 尋找腦中幻影 (0)
1751. 08-29 營養不良? (5) (今敏)
1750. 08-29 營養不良? (4) (暈頭轉向)
1749. 08-27 營養不良? (3)
1748. 08-26 營養不良? (2)
1747. 08-26 營養不良?
1746. 08-26 2010-08-26
1745. 08-25 what's the RestGraph::Error in newrelic_rpm?
1744. 08-25 文化衝擊 (現實與遊戲 Playing and Reality (1))
1743. 08-22 繪本
1742. 08-18 what would you expect?
1741. 08-14 ruby double (rr)
1740. 08-14 Strip Trailing Whites and Save in TextMate
1739. 08-12 [rails hate] Object is not missing constant
1738. 08-12 耐心
1737. 08-11 memcached and memcached-northscale
1736. 08-11 yajl-ruby
1735. 08-09 2010-08-09
1734. 08-08 蔡志忠
1733. 08-08 Eden of the East (1)
1732. 08-07 晃了兩圈
1731. 08-04 talks in private buzz about music (0)
1730. 07-31 2010-07-31
1729. 07-29 2010-07-29
1728. 07-28 疲倦
1727. 07-27 optional_public.rb
1726. 07-27 靖美?慶美?
1725. 07-25 現實與遊戲 Playing and Reality (0)
1724. 07-25 最近工作狀況
1723. 07-22 工作狂?
1722. 07-20 combinations, list monad and list comprehension
1721. 07-11 漫畫老是不見
1720. 07-10 From Stanford to Sina to Something New
1719. 07-09 2010-07-09
1718. 07-07 拔啦吧扒趴
1717. 07-06 life
1716. 07-01 flolac 2010 (day 4) :(
1715. 07-01 flolac 2010 (day 3) ~...
1714. 06-29 外與內的理智
1713. 06-29 flolac 2010 (day 2)
1712. 06-28 flolac 2010 (day 1)
1711. 06-28 2010-06-27
1710. 06-26 i5 macbook pro (4)
1709. 06-25 links (2)
1708. 06-20 to phpbb3
1707. 06-20 運氣
1706. 06-19 links
1705. 06-17 homebrew, a macports replacement (1)
1704. 06-17 homebrew, a macports replacement (0)
1703. 06-16 Guild Wars Nightfall Collector's Edition
1702. 06-14 2010-06-14
1701. 06-12 it's great
1700. 06-12 node.js, and eventmachine.rb
1699. 06-08 i5 macbook pro (3)
1698. 06-08 不在乎
1697. 06-06 本週
1696. 06-05 estiah - A Cry of the Earth
1695. 06-01 鳥鳴
1694. 05-31 i5 macbook pro (2)
1693. 05-31 i5 macbook pro (1)
1692. 05-30 i5 macbook pro (0)
1691. 05-29 perl, and the way we speak
1690. 05-27 2010-05-27
1689. 05-27 為什麼我就是不能有一個安靜的生活?
1688. 05-25 哈哈哈我好傻眼
1687. 05-24 rails 2.3.6 and 2.3.7
1686. 05-24 德國與英國的比較
1685. 05-24 Android 解 Rubik's Cube
1684. 05-24 SiON TETRISizer
1683. 05-23 Cursed Treasure: Don't Touch My Gems!
1682. 05-23 2010-05-23
1681. 05-21 Talesworth Adventure (and Chromatron)
1680. 05-20 event-driven I/O
1679. 05-19 download models from heroku
1678. 05-18 進步
1677. 05-17 2010-05-17
1676. 05-17 2010-05-16
1675. 05-15 2010-05-15 (estiah)
1674. 05-14 2010-05-14
1673. 05-13 Ruby instant noodle!!
1672. 05-12 2010-05-12
1671. 05-12 HHKB pro 2 收到了
1670. 05-10 fb:like
1669. 05-10 quotes from Alice (1)
1668. 05-10 老實講
1667. 05-10 忽然想到
1666. 05-09 2010-05-09
1665. 05-08 2010-05-08
1664. 05-08 年度連結整理
1663. 05-06 async thin (open-uri vs em-http) (2)
1662. 05-06 ...燒掉了
1661. 05-06 async thin (or em'ed rainbows)
1660. 05-06 [ANN] rest-graph 1.0.0 released
1659. 05-06 篠房六郎短篇集
1658. 05-02 scala type system (1) covariance and contravariance
1657. 05-02 往後延長
1656. 05-02 google analytic
1655. 05-02 scala type system (0) unit, top, bottom, and null
1654. 05-01 2010-05-01
1653. 05-01 五月了??
1652. 04-29 玻璃瓶船
1651. 04-29 Oofuri (1)
1650. 04-29 quoting
1649. 04-29 daily WTF, Rails!? (2) (actionmailer backend)
1648. 04-27 daily WTF, Rails!?
1647. 04-27 move not ready commits to another branch
1646. 04-27 Worst. Ideas. Ever.
1645. 04-27 心得? (2)
1644. 04-27 tab elimination (1)
1643. 04-25 心得?
1642. 04-25 搭計程車時的發現
1641. 04-24 pair programming
1640. 04-24 懶懶
1639. 04-23 JavaScript (2) Facebook Open Graph
1638. 04-22 JavaScript
1637. 04-22 時間
1636. 04-22 Whatever happened to programming?
1635. 04-22 FLOLAC 2010 - 邏輯、語言與計算
1634. 04-20 ...
1633. 04-20 2010-04-20
1632. 04-19 天亮了
1631. 04-19 cerealize 0.8.0 released
1630. 04-18 macbook pro
1629. 04-18 流程錯誤
1628. 04-17 AASM exmaple
1627. 04-17 marvels on Android and iPhone
1626. 04-17 How Rubinius do the JIT thing
1625. 04-15 2010-04-15
1624. 04-14 Ruby Tuesday #11 (3)
1623. 04-14 Ruby Tuesday #11 (2)
1622. 04-12 Ruby Tuesday #11
1621. 04-12 The shadow of github
1620. 04-12 murmur (40)
1619. 04-10 checkout and track all remote branches (2)
1618. 04-10 Eden of the East (0)
1617. 04-09 2010-04-09
1616. 04-09 checkout and track all remote branches
1615. 04-06 小結
1614. 04-06 Oofuri (0)
1613. 04-05 get a life
1612. 04-04 Gunslinger Girl
1611. 04-04 Death Note
1610. 04-04 try to be quiet
1609. 04-04 Rails' Unusual Architecture
1608. 04-02 超累
1607. 04-01 murmur (39) (links, pixiv)
1606. 03-30 web server/framework + amqp (3)
1605. 03-30 Quit blue balling us Blizzard!
1604. 03-29 game studios flow chart
1603. 03-29 murmur (38)
1602. 03-27 summer wars notes
1601. 03-27 2010-03-27
1600. 03-26 life is...
1599. 03-24 2010-03-24
1598. 03-24 平衡
1597. 03-22 KOKIA (4) 調和 oto ~with reflection~
1596. 03-22 placeholder, underscore, and trace
1595. 03-22 No iPad for Flash
1594. 03-22 KOKIA (3)
1593. 03-21 KOKIA (2)
1592. 03-21 Moral: don't test on a Mac
1591. 03-21 estiah 小搏大 (2)
1590. 03-21 不甘心?
1589. 03-20 雙股螺旋
1588. 03-20 the answer to life in a zip file
1587. 03-20 ZIP File Quine
1586. 03-20 最近...
1585. 03-20 the end of this day
1584. 03-19 in memory of 冷山烏龍?
1583. 03-19 減法上等
1582. 03-18 in memory of export
1581. 03-17 各個 browser 示意圖
1580. 03-17 fakeweb for testing Net::HTTP
1579. 03-17 AMQP and EventMachine
1578. 03-16 murmur (37) (git diff exclude)
1577. 03-15 固定
1576. 03-15 use the source, amqp
1575. 03-15 沒那麼早吧?
1574. 03-14 web server/framework + amqp (2)
1573. 03-14 web server/framework + amqp
1572. 03-14 2010-03-14
1571. 03-14 忘記了
1570. 03-13 KOKIA
1569. 03-13 Ar tonelico 紅藍選...
1568. 03-12 唉
1567. 03-11 murmur (36)
1566. 03-11 estiah path
1565. 03-10 murmur (35)
1564. 03-10 bullshit
1563. 03-10 早睡
1562. 03-10 Semantic Web
1561. 03-09 已經是昨了
1560. 03-08 ...
1559. 03-08 Proofs without words
1558. 03-07 murmur (34) (estiah note)
1557. 03-07 2010-03-07 (2)
1556. 03-07 2010-03-07
1555. 03-06 Ar tonelico 3 (大離題...)
1554. 03-06 murmur (33)
1553. 03-06 mongrel http parser 果然是最強的
1552. 03-06 用 GA 找 best compile flag XD
1551. 03-06 3 Subjects That Make People Irrational
1550. 03-06 jQuery is a Monad?
1549. 03-06 RR
1548. 03-06 2010-03-06
1547. 03-05 2010-03-05 (Chrome)
1546. 03-05 2010-03-05
1545. 03-04 發神經 XD
1544. 03-04 why text over blob?
1543. 03-04 又來了
1542. 03-03 to sleep early
1541. 03-03 estiah 小搏大
1540. 03-03 2010-03-03
1539. 03-02 sync between independent git repo
1538. 03-01 murmur (32)
1537. 03-01 2010-03-01
1536. 02-25 2010-02-25
1535. 02-25 要念 amqp 了...
1534. 02-25 murmur (31)
1533. 02-23 偉大??
1532. 02-23 murmur (30)
1531. 02-22 mac useradd? dscl?
1530. 02-22 firefox 字型...
1529. 02-21 cd reviews (1) (同人)
1528. 02-21 wsgi/rack union ?
1527. 02-21 domain theory
1526. 02-21 cd reviews (0) (同人)
1525. 02-21 2010-02-21
1524. 02-20 estiah review + status
1523. 02-20 Text Area Resizer & Mover
1522. 02-20 2010-02-20
1521. 02-19 Braid (9) (stars)
1520. 02-18 2010-02-18
1519. 02-18 Braid (8) (quotes)
1518. 02-18 Braid (7)
1517. 02-17 2010-02-17
1516. 02-17 Braid (6) (soundtrack)
1515. 02-16 Braid (5) (finale)
1514. 02-16 Braid (4)
1513. 02-16 Braid (3)
1512. 02-15 Braid (2)
1511. 02-15 Braid (1)
1510. 02-14 唔
1509. 02-13 nEar05 and D2000
1508. 02-13 煩死了煩死了煩死了
1507. 02-13 單眼
1506. 02-13 Ruby Tuesday (02-09)
1505. 02-13 murmur (29) (buzz, inboxes)
1504. 02-13 Hofstadter's law!!
1503. 02-12 back in T (2)
1502. 02-12 XD
1501. 02-11 google buzz
1500. 02-11 這幾天啊
1499. 02-11 i need a really todo list
1498. 02-10 Rainbows!
1497. 02-10 2010-02-10
1496. 02-09 這樣不行啊
1495. 02-09 back in T (1)
1494. 02-09 Fwd: Tagging Monad Transformer Layers
1493. 02-08 Fwd: 如果出版社會沒落,出書的品質誰來把##?
1492. 02-08 Yahoo! DoS github?
1491. 02-08 back in T (0)
1490. 02-07 python3 or not?
1489. 02-01 算了
1488. 01-31 是我 macbook 太慢?
1487. 01-31 road map
1486. 01-31 Matz talks about FP and others
1485. 01-31 總算!
1484. 01-30 gnop
1483. 01-30 four models of social behavior
1482. 01-30 on pair programming
1481. 01-30 2010-01-30
1480. 01-29 2010-01-29
1479. 01-27 pygmentize
1478. 01-27 刺客列傳&日常(一)
1477. 01-27 2010-01-27
1476. 01-26 :(
1475. 01-26 Fwd: Re: Google 的商業模式 vs 微軟的詐騙模式
1474. 01-26 Fwd: 扭曲的智財宣導及評鑑制度
1473. 01-25 2010-01-25
1472. 01-25 多災多難
1471. 01-24 Feed Reader
1470. 01-24 Braid (0)
1469. 01-24 整理
1468. 01-24 搜尋與分類
1467. 01-23 宵夜與 Haskell
1466. 01-22 找出該證的性質,然後證明它
1465. 01-21 not a conclusion
1464. 01-21 天啊
1463. 01-21 mac + firefox + flash + js bug
1462. 01-21 2010-01-21
1461. 01-20 今天
1460. 01-20 quick check quick thoughts
1459. 01-20 感動
1458. 01-19 快爆了 @@
1457. 01-19 why patch oriented dev process is important
1456. 01-18 寫什麼鬼
1455. 01-18 電腦線圈 17
1454. 01-18 Spaghetti
1453. 01-17 a/b testing with vanity
1452. 01-17 Cockatiel sings
1451. 01-17 recent murmur
1450. 01-16 2010-01-16
1449. 01-15 我嚴重欠缺時間 (2)
1448. 01-15 最近
1447. 01-15 First-Person Tetris
1446. 01-15 what unicorn had told us
1445. 01-14 pitfalls
1444. 01-14 我嚴重欠缺時間
1443. 01-14 A new approach to China (2)
1442. 01-14 我要買一台
1441. 01-14 Season’s greetings
1440. 01-13 符號檔名
1439. 01-13 A new approach to China
1438. 01-12 yet another spellbook thought
1437. 01-11 ...
1436. 01-11 更新流程.. XD
1435. 01-10 dm-core 0.10.x 不支援!! (2)
1434. 01-10 ptt Soft_Job
1433. 01-10 yet another redmine thought
1432. 01-10 The Battle for Wesnoth (2)
1431. 01-09 firefox 最小字型 (5)
1430. 01-09 (默) (3)
1429. 01-08 (默) (2)
1428. 01-08 firefox 最小字型 (4)
1427. 01-08 (默)
1426. 01-07 firefox 最小字型 (3)
1425. 01-07 要翻桌了...
1424. 01-07 firefox 最小字型 (2)
1423. 01-07 累.. (3)
1422. 01-06 裝 ultraviolet
1421. 01-06 firefox 最小字型
1420. 01-06 累.. (2)
1419. 01-04 累..
1418. 01-04 潮肉 (2) 研究所
1417. 01-03 You
1416. 01-03 龍貓 Ghibli 大合奏
1415. 01-03 該說殘酷的好笑嗎?(2) Twitter in Real Life
1414. 01-03 MGS 神之照相術
1413. 01-03 東方 Bad Apple (Shadow Art) (4)
1412. 01-03 The Battle for Wesnoth
1411. 01-03 Applying Game Mechanics to Functional Software
1410. 01-03 facebook cdn
1409. 01-02 潮肉
1408. 01-02 ReaderT Env Maybe Val (3)
1407. 01-02 ReaderT Env Maybe Val (2)
1406. 01-01 google site hijack... (2)
1405. 01-01 facebook 浪潮
1404. 01-01 該說殘酷的好笑嗎?
1403. 01-01 ReaderT Env Maybe Val (1)
1402. 12-31 ReaderT Env Maybe Val (0)
1401. 12-31 sick that (3)
1400. 12-31 sick that (2)
1399. 12-31 MacRuby with LLVM
1398. 12-31 悅氏 日式綠茶
1397. 12-31 semantic web
1396. 12-30 i hate ruby 1.8.6
1395. 12-30 sick that
1394. 12-29 給忙碌的都會人
1393. 12-29 重新配置 (2)
1392. 12-29 js semi-colon
1391. 12-29 dm-core 0.10.x 不支援!!
1390. 12-29 DataMapper violates LSP
1389. 12-29 眼花 (2)
1388. 12-28 眼花
1387. 12-28 d-stage
1386. 12-27 誰知道
1385. 12-27 2009-12-27
1384. 12-27 Continuation monad (2)
1383. 12-26 Continuation monad
1382. 12-26 打瞌睡 (3)
1381. 12-26 打瞌睡 (2)
1380. 12-25 打瞌睡
1379. 12-25 大字才是王道
1378. 12-24 bundler
1377. 12-24 重新配置
1376. 12-23 The Sky Crawlers
1375. 12-23 Sacrifice
1374. 12-22 sleep to die
1373. 12-22 火大 = =
1372. 12-21 gmail smtp
1371. 12-21 唉
1370. 12-20 Rockman 打不倒的空氣人 and 思い出は億千万
1369. 12-20 Mac OS 10.6 __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING
1368. 12-19 今
1367. 12-19 recently
1366. 12-18 唔...
1365. 12-17 murmur (28)
1364. 12-17 ruby-1.9.1-p376.tar.bz2
1363. 12-17 把球當人玩? treating balls as human?
1362. 12-17 出貨通知!!
1361. 12-16 app-deploy released (3) ruby, rake, mutual dependency
1360. 12-16 大掃除 :/
1359. 12-16 quine 王...
1358. 12-16 app-deploy released (2)
1357. 12-15 遊戲編年史
1356. 12-15 2009-12-15
1355. 12-15 Writing great documentation
1354. 12-15 app-deploy released
1353. 12-14 estiah PvP
1352. 12-14 google site hijack...
1351. 12-14 Michael Widenius: Help saving MySQL
1350. 12-14 estiah Novice (2)
1349. 12-13 blah
1348. 12-13 tab elimination (0)
1347. 12-13 zzz (2)
1346. 12-12 zzz
1345. 12-12 工作
1344. 12-12 estiah Novice
1343. 12-12 Monad in C++
1342. 12-12 Monad in C#
1341. 12-11 VarArgs in Haskell
1340. 12-10 The Y Combinator (Slight Return)
1339. 12-10 AvgTree in Haskell
1338. 12-10 wondering or wandering
1337. 12-10 quotes from Alice (0)
1336. 12-10 lsd and lld
1335. 12-10 mate-git and mate-gem
1334. 12-09 [HD]自主制作アニメーション『the TV show』
1333. 12-09 Rails middleware
1332. 12-09 Maybe Monad in Scala
1331. 12-08 時間分配
1330. 12-08 2009-12-07
1329. 12-07 換 theme
1328. 12-07 久違的早晨
1327. 12-07 Alligator Eggs!
1326. 12-07 天之痕
1325. 12-06 Agda on Redmine on Heroku
1324. 12-05 2009-12-05
1323. 12-04 2009-12-04
1322. 12-04 唉
1321. 12-03 Monad Transformers Step by Step
1320. 12-03 bashrc or bash_profile? (dot-rc)
1319. 12-03 /usr/local/bin
1318. 12-03 Merge Commits are Back
1317. 12-02 2009-12-02 (dot-rc)
1316. 12-02 screen fish xterm (2)
1315. 12-02 screen fish xterm
1314. 12-01 動物大悶鍋
1313. 12-01 東方 Bad Apple (Shadow Art) (3)
1312. 12-01 i am thinking though
1311. 12-01 powerset (3) hanoi
1310. 12-01 camping
1309. 11-30 東方 Bad Apple (Shadow Art) (2)
1308. 11-30 Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
1307. 11-30 真慘
1306. 11-30 powerset (2)
1305. 11-30 powerset
1303. 11-28 virtualbox shared folder
1302. 11-28 recruiters-who-use-grep
1301. 11-28 Purity
1300. 11-28 bones >3
1299. 11-26 ... (3)
1298. 11-25 ... (2)
1297. 11-25 ...
1296. 11-25 桌布 (2) 太強惹..
1295. 11-24 roodo-rc (4)
1294. 11-23 整理
1293. 11-23 On Understanding Data Abstraction (1)
1292. 11-23 ruby regexp notes
1291. 11-23 忽然發覺...
1290. 11-23 Optima
1289. 11-22 聯絡我
1288. 11-22 桌布
1287. 11-22 almost faint
1286. 11-21 rails 2.3.4 encoding bug
1285. 11-20 2009-11-20
1284. 11-19 heroku heroku (static file serving)
1283. 11-19 agda front-end design thoughts
1282. 11-18 estiah racing
1281. 11-18 2009-11-17
1280. 11-17 Ruby and UAO
1279. 11-17 很無聊
1278. 11-17 V470 藍牙雷射鼠
1277. 11-16 pagify for Innate
1276. 11-15 銀魂筆記
1275. 11-15 estiah skills
1274. 11-15 尋找問題
1273. 11-15 On Understanding Data Abstraction (0)
1272. 11-14 2009-11-14
1271. 11-12 我覺得
1270. 11-12 重灌筆記 (4)
1269. 11-11 xterm-256color
1268. 11-11 簡稱塔烏瑪塔
1267. 11-10 consideration (2) + git config
1266. 11-10 consideration
1265. 11-09 HFS+ case-sensitive
1264. 11-09 roodo-rc (3)
1263. 11-09 昨
1262. 11-08 The Present of D (2)
1261. 11-07 美乃滋章魚燒
1260. 11-07 Reader Monad (3)
1259. 11-06 2009-11-06
1258. 11-06 murmur (27)
1257. 11-05 我覺得我真的只能說
1256. 11-05 murmur (26)
1255. 11-04 rubycas-server
1254. 11-04 唉
1253. 11-03 The Present of D
1252. 11-03 ramaze testing for all 200 OK
1251. 11-03 Gummy Bear
1250. 11-02 東方 Bad Apple (Shadow Art)
1249. 11-02 慘..
1248. 11-02 git merge partial
1247. 11-01 Reader Monad (2)
1246. 11-01 Reader Monad
1245. 11-01 電腦線圈
1244. 11-01 過度
1243. 11-01 鬼畜王マリオ
1242. 10-31 refreshing myself (3)
1241. 10-30 refreshing myself (2)
1240. 10-30 refreshing myself
1239. 10-30 test
1238. 10-30 yet another day
1237. 10-28 恍若換電腦
1236. 10-28 feel like fainting
1235. 10-26 murmur (25)
1234. 10-26 git rebase for cherry-pick
1233. 10-26 重灌筆記 (3)
1232. 10-25 重灌筆記 (2)
1231. 10-24 謊言
1230. 10-23 重灌筆記
1229. 10-22 Fallen Art
1228. 10-22 import antigravity
1227. 10-22 roodo-rc (2)
1226. 10-22 飛踢
1225. 10-22 閃
1224. 10-22 消烙
1223. 10-21 2009-10-21
1222. 10-20 話說回來...
1221. 10-20 算了不弄了
1220. 10-20 project management
1219. 10-20 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
1218. 10-19 i would sleep early (2)
1217. 10-19 Charlie!
1216. 10-18 i would sleep early
1215. 10-18 murmur (24)
1214. 10-17 對不起
1213. 10-17 終於發聲了 @@ (4)
1212. 10-17 為雨傘默哀 (3)
1211. 10-15 roodo-rc
1210. 10-15 媽我在這 ._.\~/
1209. 10-14 startupriot.textile
1208. 10-14 Noop
1207. 10-14 sh, bash, fish
1206. 10-14 可惡
1205. 10-13 謎の感動
1204. 10-13 git 居然不支援 100600
1203. 10-13 表態 (4)
1202. 10-12 終於發聲了 @@ (3)
1201. 10-12 darcs-to-git
1200. 10-11 表態 (3)
1199. 10-11 2009-10-11
1198. 10-09 終於發聲了 @@ (2)
1197. 10-07 It's a gazebo
1196. 10-07 on the way
1195. 10-07 發米康,法米通
1194. 10-06 終於發聲了 @@
1193. 10-06 css class name
1192. 10-06 表態 (2)
1191. 10-05 browser game thoughts
1190. 10-04 firefox 當當當
1189. 10-04 murmur (23)
1188. 10-04 Dead Leaves
1187. 10-03 murmur (22)
1186. 10-03 噴茶
1185. 10-02 忘記打標題
1184. 10-01 youtube HD
1183. 10-01 passenger + nginx + rack 大地雷
1182. 09-30 忽然覺得
1181. 09-29 macbook 光纖輸出
1180. 09-29 nico 口琴
1179. 09-29 表態
1178. 09-28 just a random talk/thought
1177. 09-27 bakuman
1176. 09-26 錯覺??錯覺??
1175. 09-23 The LEGO Turing Machine
1174. 09-22 2009-09-22
1173. 09-21 2009-09-21
1172. 09-20 murmur (21)
1171. 09-19 2009-09-19
1170. 09-18 (2)
1169. 09-17 算盤?
1168. 09-17 2009-09-17
1167. 09-17 The Mom Song
1166. 09-17
1165. 09-16 murmur (20)
1164. 09-16 murmur (19)
1163. 09-15 rc
1162. 09-15 imperion
1161. 09-14 murmur (18)
1160. 09-14 about font
1159. 09-14 早睡
1158. 09-13 murmur (17)
1157. 09-13 murmur (16)
1156. 09-12 yaourt
1155. 09-12 Arch on VirtualBox
1154. 09-11 murmur (15)
1153. 09-11 murmur (14)
1152. 09-10 murmur (13)
1151. 08-26 廢話太多
1150. 08-26 murmur (12)
1149. 08-26 oop without state with fp (5)
1148. 08-25 [心得] rails 2.3.3 是地雷? (2)
1147. 08-25 git repo setup (3)
1146. 08-25 oop without state with fp (4)
1145. 08-24 創作
1144. 08-24 murmur (11)
1143. 08-24 D&D Tiny Adventures
1142. 08-24 oop without state with fp (3)
1141. 08-22 murmur (10)
1140. 08-22 hijack
1139. 08-22 2009-08-22
1138. 08-21 ptt
1137. 08-21 oop without state with fp (2)
1136. 08-20 murmur (9)
1135. 08-20 為雨傘默哀 (2)
1134. 08-20 murmur (8) + ldc + ConwayGame
1133. 08-20 赤ずきんと健康
1132. 08-20 2009-08-20
1131. 08-20 VLC 1.0 (2)
1130. 08-19 Soma Bringer (4)
1129. 08-19 oop without state with fp (1)
1128. 08-18 Restaurant City
1127. 08-18 spoon
1126. 08-18 murmur (7)
1125. 08-18 C# and Java Weekday Languages, Python and Ruby For Weekends?
1124. 08-17 murmur (6)
1123. 08-17 ClassLoader + jsr223
1122. 08-17 leon
1121. 08-16 hikaru no go
1120. 08-16 oop without state with fp (0)
1119. 08-15 murmur (5)
1118. 08-15 simple lambda calculus in scala
1117. 08-15 murmur (4)
1116. 08-15 scala 的 bin
1115. 08-15 2009-08-15
1114. 08-14 murmur (3)
1113. 08-14 too much, scala, couchdb
1112. 08-13 couchdb + datamapper (2)
1111. 08-13 2009-08-13
1110. 08-13 murmur (2)
1109. 08-13 data storage (2) (couchdb)
1108. 08-13 區分
1107. 08-13 daily quote(s) (6)
1106. 08-13 functional programming
1105. 08-12 murmur (1)
1104. 08-12 murmur (0)
1103. 08-12 ramaze content representations
1102. 08-11 2009-08-11
1101. 08-11 diablo
1100. 08-11 couchdb + datamapper
1099. 08-10 data storage
1098. 08-10 灌腦 (2)
1097. 08-10 趕路
1096. 08-09 2009-08-09
1095. 08-09 R: [連結] 松本行弘: Code 的世界~成為...
1094. 08-09 堆積的 issue
1093. 08-09 灌腦
1092. 08-08 Plants vs. Zombies (6)
1091. 08-08 obake
1090. 08-08 native speaker
1089. 08-08 Plants vs. Zombies (5)
1088. 08-08 Plants vs. Zombies (4)
1087. 08-08 XD
1086. 08-08 回顧 (0)
1085. 08-07 2009-08-07 (2)
1084. 08-07 2009-08-07
1083. 08-06 2009-08-06
1082. 08-06 ??
1081. 08-06 ruby lib compatibility
1080. 08-06 感謝
1079. 08-05 Re: purely functional (原 [問題] SCJP6.0)
1078. 08-05 異常順利 @@
1077. 08-04 2009-08-04
1076. 08-04 呃
1075. 08-04 routes 重整計畫
1074. 08-04 test post without title
1073. 08-03 Tokyo Cabinet
1072. 08-03 無茶苦茶什麼鬼 XD
1071. 08-03 feedback
1070. 08-02 daily quote(s) (5)
1069. 08-02 Soma Bringer (3)
1068. 08-02 Soma Bringer 特典?
1067. 08-02 Soma Bringer (2)
1066. 08-02 哼..
1065. 08-01 海賊王是有什麼好吐的?
1064. 08-01 Soma Bringer
1063. 07-31 friendly_format 0.7.0 released....
1062. 07-31 2009-07-31
1061. 07-31 git repo setup (2)
1060. 07-31 哲學
1059. 07-30 龍族 (3) 永恆森林
1058. 07-30 超沒意義
1057. 07-30 ...
1056. 07-30 pagify reloaded (3)
1055. 07-29 2009-07-29
1054. 07-29 檢討
1053. 07-29 異常白痴
1052. 07-29 daily quote(s) (4)
1051. 07-29 哈哈..
1050. 07-29 pagify reloaded (2)
1049. 07-29 nico 三則 (2)
1048. 07-28 就像拔牙時
1047. 07-28 龍族 (2)
1046. 07-28 編年史
1045. 07-28 nico 三則
1044. 07-28 computer science
1043. 07-28 2009-07-28
1042. 07-28 地震啊
1041. 07-28 casual player
1040. 07-27 google logo
1039. 07-27 七月真不是個好日子
1038. 07-27 pagify reloaded
1037. 07-27 2009-07-27
1036. 07-26 Echoes of War
1035. 07-26 safari 圖顯示不出來
1034. 07-26 平靜的日子
1033. 07-25 VLC 1.0 (2)
1032. 07-24 roadmap (2)
1031. 07-23 保證人是保什麼鬼 (2)
1030. 07-23 1000 歲
1029. 07-23 sunflower
1028. 07-23 困擾
1027. 07-23 i don't care
1026. 07-22 [心得] rails 2.3.3 是地雷?
1025. 07-21 名偵探靠北邊:全新進化
1024. 07-21 最成功的百大工作室?
1023. 07-21 git gui
1022. 07-21 daily quote(s) (3)
1021. 07-21 Git User's Survey 2009
1020. 07-21 陣內智則
1019. 07-20 1
1018. 07-20 保證人是保什麼鬼
1017. 07-20 0
1016. 07-18 cubeat 回顧 (0)
1015. 07-18 on the contrary
1014. 07-18 不想睡
1013. 07-17 ruby 支援 UAO !?
1012. 07-17 長頸鹿 XDDDDD
1011. 07-16 roadmap
1010. 07-16 [公告] (2)
1009. 07-15 instance_exec
1008. 07-15 a second thought about mac (2)
1007. 07-14 [公告]
1006. 07-14 ...XD
1005. 07-14 a second thought about mac
1004. 07-14 mac 游標又死了又死了又死了
1003. 07-14 2009-07-14
1002. 07-13 Plants vs. Zombies (3)
1001. 07-12 Plants vs. Zombies (2)
1000. 07-12 Plants vs. Zombies
999. 07-11 分離
998. 07-11 Shiro Tagachi
997. 07-10 fx 3.5 輸入法正常了!
996. 07-08 VLC 1.0
995. 07-08 中午
994. 07-08 哈哈
993. 07-07 daily quote(s) (2)
992. 07-07 都是 dell 的錯
991. 07-07 意圖
990. 07-06 東方鋼琴演奏 (2) + 真是什麼鬼都有 XD (2)
989. 07-06 指環王
988. 07-06 早
987. 07-06 dunno
986. 07-05 Unwaking Waters
985. 07-04 真是什麼鬼都有 XD
984. 07-04 Ritualist
983. 07-02 Why Pair Programming Works
982. 07-02 2009-07-02
981. 07-01 へっぽこ魔王最強伝説
980. 07-01 Can people stop...
979. 07-01 rails script/console segfault
978. 07-01 卡 js...
977. 07-01 daily quote(s) (1)
976. 06-30 2009-06-30
975. 06-29 早上
974. 06-29 prototype vs jquery
973. 06-29 mac is buggy...
972. 06-29 avatarblock imp 範例
971. 06-29 開始跑 Ritualist (3)
970. 06-28 XD
969. 06-28 開始跑 Ritualist (2)
968. 06-27 開始跑 Ritualist
967. 06-26 void, none, bottom
966. 06-25 OH! Mikey
965. 06-25 sad
964. 06-25 我的右手
963. 06-24 avatarblock
962. 06-24 火星??就是看不起| 球人
961. 06-24 daily quote(s) (0)
960. 06-24 老頭滾動條
959. 06-24 忽然覺得
958. 06-24 dynamic/static typing
957. 06-23 Re: mac
956. 06-22 2009-06-22
955. 06-22 Gmail Labs 不支援 IE6 XDDD
954. 06-21 吾命騎士 XDDD
953. 06-21 2009-06-21
952. 06-20 gw 更新
951. 06-20 新貨入荷 (5) dvd
950. 06-19 Mind Game
949. 06-19 2009-06-19
948. 06-18 出處
947. 06-17 wsgi
946. 06-17 昏昏沉沉的第三天
945. 06-16 新貨入荷 (4)
944. 06-16 slash
943. 06-16 OOXX
942. 06-15 Razah 入手
941. 06-15 手工到此
940. 06-14 bakuman (2)
939. 06-13 bakuman
938. 06-13 timemachine (2)
937. 06-12 agent in clojure
936. 06-12 timemachine
935. 06-12 Fwd: □ [少年] 火影沒說的事
934. 06-11 git log --shortstat
933. 06-11 右腳破皮
932. 06-10 event-driven rails? (2)
931. 06-10 面向對象
930. 06-09 re-include module
929. 06-09 點歌
928. 06-08 2009-06-08
927. 06-07 2009-06-07
926. 06-07 這幾天
925. 06-07 天元突破 (小捏)
924. 06-06 昂
923. 06-06 what's next
922. 06-05 Gate of Madness
921. 06-05 yet another about rails community
920. 06-04 唉呀呀-7
919. 06-04 id-img
918. 06-03 終於看懂了
917. 06-02 忽然覺得我很白痴 = =
916. 06-02 yahoo 輸入法
915. 06-01 ....無言
914. 06-01 今早
913. 06-01 C++ testing library
912. 05-31 Dzagonur Bastion (mission)
911. 05-31 上傳了 XDD (4) gw-templates
910. 05-31 上傳了 XDD (3) gw-templates
909. 05-30 2009-05-30
908. 05-30 GW 即時戰略 @@
907. 05-30 FF 05-27
906. 05-29 新貨入荷 (3) (slayer)
905. 05-29 八分零九!
904. 05-28 2009-05-28
903. 05-28 Static Typing for Dynamic Scripting Languages
902. 05-26 新貨入荷 (2)
901. 05-26 rails 2.3 session 變身
900. 05-26 do it or not
899. 05-25 2009-05-25
898. 05-25 rails 2.3
897. 05-25 有人一直要我寫他啦 XD
896. 05-25 goodbye, slicehost
895. 05-24 新貨入荷
894. 05-22 zzz
893. 05-21 激突要塞 + βテストバージョン
892. 05-21 ruby stomp (2)
891. 05-21 nested structure
890. 05-20 灰羽連盟
889. 05-20 AR 的 DateTime 假的
888. 05-20 2009-05-20
887. 05-19 還是很在意
886. 05-19 NCsoft 吃屎 (3)
885. 05-19 少年漫畫 23243532534239483 回
884. 05-18 上傳了 XDD (2)
883. 05-18 worker thought again
882. 05-18 ruby stomp
881. 05-17 上傳了 XDD
880. 05-17 Battle of Turai's Procession
879. 05-16 英雄技能
878. 05-15 ruby class variable
877. 05-14 issue tracker with git
876. 05-14 event-driven rails?
875. 05-14 24 個 Charlie
874. 05-14 system_timer!
873. 05-13 sorry, couldn't resist
872. 05-13 Qt 公開 repository 了
871. 05-12 最大兇手是 RMagick
870. 05-12 ping 錯
869. 05-12 2009-05-12
868. 05-12 Moddok Crevice (2)
867. 05-11 今天不知道在幹嘛
866. 05-11 Kameo
865. 05-10 Prince Rurik!!
864. 05-09 A Message for Janeera
863. 05-09 mitter toolbar
862. 05-09 Moddok Crevice
861. 05-08 beta and open source license
860. 05-08 .pkg 別亂灌
859. 05-07 Z!!!
858. 05-07 Banana Scythe
857. 05-06 GW 看圖說故事的中文翻譯
856. 05-06 rubycas-server bug (2)
855. 05-06 The Manga Guide to Databases
854. 05-05 nokogiri 砍圖
853. 05-05 firefox 3.0.10 on mac
852. 05-05 sleepy
851. 05-04 NCsoft 吃屎 (2)
850. 05-04 camping
849. 05-04 rubycas-server bug
848. 05-04 垃圾掃蕩
847. 05-04 Avatar of Lyssa
846. 05-03 Nightfall
845. 05-01 Eye of the North
844. 04-30 棍我有同感
843. 04-29 missed your loved one?
842. 04-29 TirNanorg 青空の下の日々
841. 04-29 macbook
840. 04-29 ...
839. 04-28 life of my life
838. 04-27 Revision 526191630
837. 04-27 passenger on nginx (4)
836. 04-27 path finder
835. 04-26 今朝有酒今朝醉
834. 04-26 Assault on Beknur Harbor
833. 04-25 python vs ruby...
832. 04-25 還缺的
831. 04-24 NCsoft 吃屎
830. 04-24 Dervish build
829. 04-23 So go and put a banana in your ear!
828. 04-23 ping 不到是怎樣
827. 04-22 passenger on nginx (3)
826. 04-21 收到了!!
825. 04-21 passenger on nginx (2)
824. 04-21 passenger on nginx
823. 04-21 真可惡
822. 04-20 資料就是資料?
821. 04-20 Animate Flesh Golem
820. 04-19 Vizunah Square
819. 04-18 Hell's Precipice
818. 04-16 唉
817. 04-15 浪費 (3) 點下去了 @@
816. 04-12 Guild Wars Guild Wars Guild Wars...
815. 04-11 奇妙的感覺
814. 04-10 not important
813. 04-09 對不起
812. 04-09 軟體挖礦業
811. 04-07 rails charset 關不掉
810. 04-05 2009-04
809. 04-01 Leviathan
808. 04-01 gmail 亂碼...
807. 03-25 2009-03
806. 03-24 殘廢 named_scope
805. 03-23 阿貓阿狗!!
804. 03-23 黃易
803. 03-23 xargs 做批次處理? (2)
802. 03-23 有了 google doc
801. 03-23 動態平衡
800. 03-22 Fwd: 程式設計師的格言
799. 03-21 作息
798. 03-21 長い長い夢の中の宴 (2)
797. 03-20 剛才
796. 03-20 長い長い夢の中の宴
795. 03-20 supermini4 and dt48e reloaded
794. 03-20 打折
793. 03-20 scala implicit
792. 03-19 xargs 做批次處理?
791. 03-18 2009-03-18
790. 03-17 改善流程?
789. 03-17 叼圈圈
788. 03-17 真的很漫長
787. 03-16 升級 rails 2.3.2
786. 03-16 好久沒當了
785. 03-16 rsync for uploaded files
784. 03-16 Fwd: □ [吐槽] 名偵探新一事件案
783. 03-15 印星星 (2)
782. 03-15 Re: Scala 的 Covariant/Contra-/In-
781. 03-15 印星星
780. 03-14 2009-03-14
779. 03-14 R: [分享] 原來 Void 可以這樣用 (2)
777. 03-13 supermini4
776. 03-13 R: [分享] 原來 Void 可以這樣用
775. 03-13 dt48e
774. 03-12 一些 git reference
773. 03-12 MogileFS::MogileFS#get_file_data
772. 03-11 2009-03-11
771. 03-11 ruby object model (1)
770. 03-10 沉寂地吶喊
769. 03-10 ruby object model (0)
768. 03-10 nginx X-Reproxy-URL
767. 03-10 2009-03-10
766. 03-09 非 A 非 B
765. 03-09 IE6 真是天殺的罪惡 (2)
764. 03-08 20th Century Boys
763. 03-08 實在討厭電話
762. 03-07 2009-03-07 AM
761. 03-07 IE6 真是天殺的罪惡
760. 03-06 還不行啊
759. 03-05 firefox debug 神器
758. 03-05 真希望能恢復正常...
757. 03-04 rails 的 form_for 網址...
756. 03-04 rails 可笑的 put 和 delete
755. 03-03 好想把 facebooker 燒掉
754. 03-02 arch ruby19 with abs
753. 03-01 老遊戲 cd
752. 03-01 12Riven
751. 02-28 ................ (3)
750. 02-28 不求甚解
749. 02-27 meier audio corda symphony (0)
748. 02-26 節奏
747. 02-26 rails 莫名其妙問題又一個
746. 02-26 outside of Java, I suppose
745. 02-26 夢幻般的 RPG
744. 02-25 sftp
743. 02-25 拒絕
742. 02-25 龍族 (1) 真無言
741. 02-24 還真的有人做 Sapphire XDDD
740. 02-23 2009-02-23
739. 02-21 酒
738. 02-21 ................ (2)
737. 02-21 ................
736. 02-21 被打斷
735. 02-20 剛
734. 02-19 git submodule
733. 02-19 昨與今
732. 02-18 git filter-branch
731. 02-18 mdworker 發瘋
730. 02-17 git repo setup
729. 02-14 重整計畫 (2) 契機?
728. 02-14 現在 github 上的 watch
727. 02-14 Candy Bar
726. 02-14 ramaze 淺嚐
725. 02-12 CCS
724. 02-12 ruby 1.8.7
723. 02-12 慘也
722. 02-11 word-movement-in-terminal
721. 02-11 焦下
720. 02-11 焦
719. 02-11 feed parsing
718. 02-10 昨
717. 02-09 瞧瞧這精美的 rake app:deploy
716. 02-09 重整計畫
715. 02-07 rack middleware
714. 02-06 浪費 (2)
713. 02-03 找到右腕殺手了
712. 02-02 trailing whitespace
711. 02-02 汝は人狼なりや? review (0)
710. 02-01 放假
709. 01-31 Harmonia 2009-03-18
708. 01-31 LIFE~祈り~
707. 01-31 multi-threaded and side-effect (2)
706. 01-30 找回什麼 (2)
705. 01-29 multi-threaded and side-effect
704. 01-29 how and why
703. 01-28 找回什麼
702. 01-26 EventMachine
701. 01-26 PC
700. 01-24 東方鋼琴演奏
699. 01-24 nico 花燈
698. 01-24 仙劍
697. 01-24 甩蔥
696. 01-22 沒人用 rack 跑 rails 嗎?
695. 01-21 唉...
694. 01-21 小網站的標準流程 (1)
693. 01-21 小網站的標準流程 (0)
692. 01-20 2009-01-20
691. 01-19 2009-01-19
690. 01-18 Don't Repeat Yourself
689. 01-18 「日本人的幽默都發揮在理論上應該要很正經的地方」
688. 01-16 koka
687. 01-16 急切 (4)
686. 01-14 急切 (3)
685. 01-14 終於知道為什麼要 rebase 而不是 merge (3)
684. 01-14 急切 (2)
683. 01-13 所謂神經病...
682. 01-13 app-deploy, rack-cluster
681. 01-12 急切
680. 01-12 git-shell
679. 01-12 手腳冰冷
678. 01-12 七里香
677. 01-12 The Only Valid Measurement of Code Quality
676. 01-11 If programming languages were religions...
675. 01-10 ruby solution...
674. 01-10 thin and mongrel
673. 01-10 好像很久沒放音樂
672. 01-10 分身
671. 01-09 早退
670. 01-09 reserved methods for property getter
669. 01-08 不熟 SQL 的下場又一 (2)
668. 01-08 終於知道為什麼要 rebase 而不是 merge (2)
667. 01-08 火影外傳~木葉危機
666. 01-07 少女漫畫
665. 01-07 DataMapper 地雷
664. 01-07 天,好累
663. 01-06 不熟 SQL 的下場又一
662. 01-06 rspec bug???
661. 01-06 未來的訊息 XD
660. 01-05 single-user only rubygems
659. 01-04 google, gmail, and github
658. 01-02 這真的想讓人罵髒話...(rails/merb)(2)
657. 01-02 safari 問題再一個
656. 01-02 2009-01-02
655. 01-01 2009-01-01
654. 01-01 cache (4)
653. 12-31 宵夜
652. 12-31 cache (3)
651. 12-30 ActiveRecord 2.2.2 Bug 又一
650. 12-30 DataMapper vs ActiveRecord (2)
649. 12-30 Innate
648. 12-30 windows and cc
647. 12-29 對對,就是這樣
646. 12-29 2008-12-29
645. 12-29 git mrege master
644. 12-28 2008-12-28 (2)
643. 12-28 2008-12-28
642. 12-27 cache (2)
641. 12-26 cache
640. 12-25 待辦事宜
639. 12-24 這真的想讓人罵髒話...(rails/merb)
638. 12-24 Rubinius slide
637. 12-23 檢討
636. 12-21 The Missing Piece 失落的一角
635. 12-21 King Mu Say Ho To
634. 12-20 越來越不看好 Ruby 1.9
633. 12-20 失敗了
632. 12-19 We want you to try to eat this sandwich
631. 12-19 了結
630. 12-18 睜不開
629. 12-18 多災多難的 redmine...
628. 12-17 fork queue
627. 12-16 open source 大絕
626. 12-15 會經過啊?
625. 12-14 2008-12-14
624. 12-14 想重灌
623. 12-13 大好週末...
622. 12-11 花枝亂抖
621. 12-11 當機立斷
620. 12-11 damn you front row...
619. 12-10 金庸
618. 12-09 別升級 datamapper 到 0.9.8... (2)
617. 12-09 別升級 datamapper 到 0.9.8...
616. 12-09 以後碰到蠢問題:
615. 12-09 其實我耐心超好?
614. 12-08 quick and dirty
613. 12-08 準備開工?
612. 12-08 恐怖的是
611. 12-07 天將明
610. 12-07 臭 merb (4)
609. 12-07 寫太慢...
608. 12-06 臭 merb (3)
607. 12-06 慘,table 全爛了 :s
606. 12-06 no more template is missing
605. 12-06 臭 merb (2)
604. 12-05 臭 merb
603. 12-04 ruby object model (2)
602. 12-04 為什麼 table 不能用 css 定位???
601. 12-04 世界真奇妙
600. 12-04 高中的記憶破洞
599. 12-04 睡眠充足的問題
598. 12-04 想像力
597. 12-03 ruby object model
596. 12-03 where's Module#append_features ???
595. 12-02 Ruby Enterprise Edition = 超級 Rails 懶人包 (2)
594. 12-02 Ruby Enterprise Edition = 超級 Rails 懶人包
593. 12-01 Mac Mouse Key 害人不淺
592. 11-30 Re: [問卦] 有沒有中國科技超強的八卦?
591. 11-29 awesome! rubinius
590. 11-29 冬眠
589. 11-29 formatted_ are finally gone!
588. 11-29 es
587. 11-28 happy 灌不起來真不 happy (2)
586. 11-27 happy 灌不起來真不 happy
585. 11-27 2008-11-26
584. 11-25 茫茫然啊
583. 11-24 低能
582. 11-23 [分享] 都道府県大戦
581. 11-23 浪費
580. 11-23 rails 在 mysql 和 sqlite3 行為差異!
579. 11-22 睡覺
578. 11-21 2008-11-21
577. 11-21 打/寫到興起就停不下來
576. 11-20 2008-11-20
575. 11-19 rails 的 polymorphic association
574. 11-19 TODO
573. 11-18 決心捨 rails 就 merb 後
572. 11-15 摸索與頓悟
571. 11-14 Re: 2008-11-13 (2) (git, 鋼鍊, 奴性化)
570. 11-13 2008-11-13 (2) (git, 鋼鍊, 奴性化)
569. 11-13 2008-11-13
568. 11-11 2008-11-11
567. 11-10 天啊,在想什麼
566. 11-09 喃喃自語
565. 11-08 之前 redmine 停擺的狀況
564. 11-08 Re: 原來 Interplay 復活了
563. 11-06 原來 Interplay 復活了
562. 11-06 重新發明輪子之必要 in Rails
561. 11-06 我盡力了
560. 11-06 明明就想睡多一點
559. 11-05 翻老硬碟
558. 11-05 有時候會覺得很不可思議
557. 11-04 該不會快習慣了吧?這種事...
556. 11-04 剛剛 mac 又出事
555. 11-03 [rbx ] include_remove (2)
554. 11-03 晚餐吃太久
553. 11-03 黑軸打字停不下來..
552. 11-02 暈頭轉向...
551. 11-02 [rbx ] include_remove
550. 11-01 bytecode of YARV, Rubinius and JRuby
549. 10-31 LLVM & Rubinius (2)
548. 10-30 終於知道為什麼要 rebase 而不是 merge
547. 10-30 真正討厭
546. 10-30 氣死人 rails 規則又不統一
545. 10-28 三連發
544. 10-28 倦怠與無力
543. 10-28 尊重到底在哪裡
542. 10-25 消失的記憶
541. 10-24 瀕臨昏倒邊緣
540. 10-23 所謂該做的事...
539. 10-23 今天怎麼了?
538. 10-22 煩死了
537. 10-21 每天每天
536. 10-19 剛剛的夢
535. 10-18 不禁回想了起來
534. 10-18 once upon a time...
533. 10-17 體力好差
532. 10-15 DataMapper vs ActiveRecord
531. 10-15 總覺得緋聞變嚴重了..
530. 10-13 趣事
529. 10-13 沒有 mocha 該如何是好
528. 10-13 named_scope
527. 10-12 ActiveRecord 根本就是莫名其妙...
526. 10-12 剛剛夢到
525. 10-11 LLVM & Rubinius
524. 10-10 status about MiniUnit
523. 10-09 merb (2)
522. 10-08 真的想聽心得?
521. 10-08 open beta
520. 10-08 merb
519. 10-02 WRYYYYYYYYY 要你 doc 做啥
518. 10-01 pet society
517. 10-01 Duty Calls
516. 09-30 open source 該怎麼翻?
515. 09-27 還是很不甘心
514. 09-25 倦怠
513. 09-23 又撞到
512. 09-23 既然茶裡有冰塊的話
511. 09-22 Taiwan?
510. 09-22 modeling photos/albums (2)
509. 09-18 newline, LF and text mode
508. 09-18 Google Test / TreeTree
507. 09-18 早睡的心理負擔
506. 09-17 456
505. 09-17 乾脆不要早睡算了
504. 09-16 modeling photos/albums
503. 09-16 大起大落
502. 09-15 再度跟 rails 撞名
501. 09-14 123
500. 09-13 最近動力零
499. 09-10 [32].pack 'c'
498. 09-09 acts_as_taggable_on_steroids 似乎不夠用
497. 09-09 也許這樣反而比較輕鬆吧
496. 09-08 git's rename
495. 09-05 綜合回覆 (6)
494. 09-05 為雨傘默哀
493. 09-04 zzz
492. 09-04 又踩到 rails 地雷了..
491. 09-03 關於批評這種事...
490. 09-03 method hook for rails...
489. 09-03 綜合回覆 (5)
488. 09-02 406 Not Acceptable
487. 08-31 綜合回覆 (4)
486. 08-29 歸航
485. 08-29 slice 修復 (0)
484. 08-27 哈哈 XD 就說不是遊戲...
483. 08-27 favorite not recommended
482. 08-26 mac 螢幕暗掉真的很困擾
481. 08-26 sb note
480. 08-25 untitled
479. 08-24 untitled
478. 08-23 綜合回覆 (3)
477. 08-23 萬惡 EA
476. 08-23 奇怪的空白 404 error
475. 08-21 ARCHIV-EAST
474. 08-21 綜合回覆 (2)
473. 08-21 可惡的 in_place_editing :(
472. 08-20 formatted named routes
471. 08-20 密碼
470. 08-19 棒球
469. 08-19 綜合回覆
468. 08-19 受夠 mac 內建的爛程式了
467. 08-19 討厭的是
466. 08-18 目前在樂多做過的東西 (0)
465. 08-17 slayer 與小時候
464. 08-17 最後兩關打不贏
463. 08-17 半小時連當兩次
462. 08-17 測試的困難
461. 08-16 Re: VGL (2) (3)
460. 08-15 剩下的三劍士
459. 08-15 Re: VGL (2) (2)
458. 08-15 [ANN] dm-mapping 0.5.0
457. 08-13 Re: VGL (2)
456. 08-13 nested layouts!
455. 08-13 rails 判斷是 proxy 還是 array?
454. 08-11 VGL (2)
453. 08-11 又和 rails 打架啦
452. 08-11 VGL (1)
451. 08-10 夢境的長度
450. 08-10 VGL (0)
449. 08-10 兩天當兩次
448. 08-09 小遊戲筆記
447. 08-09 釀了你喔
446. 08-09 還是記一下
445. 08-08 .........
444. 08-07 data mapper 的 identity map...(2)
443. 08-06 精神/體力接近零...
442. 08-05 data mapper 的 identity map...
441. 08-05 summer2008 與 dm-mapping 心得
440. 08-04 [ANN] dm-mapping 0.4.0
439. 08-02 Now they have two problems.
438. 08-01 hinet dns server 掛了??
437. 07-31 快失去對一切的耐心了
436. 07-31 HTML 5 or XHTML 2? (0)
435. 07-31 又開始覺得我太多嘴了...
434. 07-30 firefox add-on: web developer
433. 07-30 capistrano 測試結果
432. 07-29 實驗實驗再實驗
431. 07-29 deploy with git
430. 07-29 如果將字母 A 到 Z 分別編上 1 到 26 的分數
429. 07-29 at least better i thought
428. 07-28 DataMapper source code
427. 07-28 dm-mapping (1)
426. 07-28 dm-mapping (0)
425. 07-28 關於 open source 的軟體
424. 07-28 開始有些擔心了...
423. 07-27 has_many and find (3)
422. 07-26 是不是該拿出 windows?
421. 07-25 球
420. 07-24 又一個 c++/ruby 的橋樑
419. 07-24 半夜在調整 css
418. 07-23 影響 ruby 最深遠的 ruby program
417. 07-23 這是什麼東西,我可以全砍嗎?
416. 07-23 rails helpers
415. 07-23 □ [心得] the "find" method
414. 07-23 has_many and find (2)
413. 07-22 has_many and find
412. 07-21 Chrono Cross OP 時の傷痕
411. 07-21 有空來聊聊 Chrono Trigger
410. 07-20 很有趣,很可愛
409. 07-20 untitled
408. 07-20 結束了嗎?
407. 07-19 有夠不舒服...
406. 07-19 rails 太流行了
405. 07-19 firefox 3 on mac
404. 07-18 手錶畫面不見了
403. 07-17 雷射藍牙老鼠終於回來了
402. 07-16 Re:
401. 07-14 完整的遊戲開發工具?
400. 07-14 當機不間斷
399. 07-13 很高興,謝謝
398. 07-13 烏龍茶加了糖!?
397. 07-13 折磨感似乎都是事後不斷不斷延伸
396. 07-11 剛剛在看 CD
395. 07-11 notes that to talk about
394. 07-10 不舒服
393. 07-09 另一個有苦難言
392. 07-08 壞習慣
391. 07-08 想睡?不想睡?
390. 07-07 假日好短
389. 07-05 看到那一幕的瞬間
388. 07-04 經過今天下午
387. 07-04 等這陣子過了再說好了
386. 07-03 注意力不集中
385. 06-28 吃飯
384. 06-28 早該睡了
383. 06-27 那一天
382. 06-26 words from Matz
381. 06-25 ruby character encoding detection
380. 06-24 真不舒服呢
379. 06-24 我的右手
378. 06-22 欺負與被欺負
377. 06-22 geek...
376. 06-21 D&D
375. 06-20 mac 再見
374. 06-20 藍牙老鼠死了??
373. 06-19 RailsFieldsFilters
372. 06-18 Inside Rails (2)
371. 06-17 資訊爆炸
370. 06-17 Inside Rails
369. 06-16 飢餓而後進食
368. 06-13 我一定有病...
367. 06-12 git 很好很強大...
366. 06-12 嗯
365. 06-10 意外更新了首頁
364. 06-09 這是接龍嗎?
363. 06-07 週五不睡覺率很高
362. 06-05 只是撞到而已
361. 06-05 沒什麼特別原因
360. 06-04 request.query_parameters
359. 06-03 再見 svk...
358. 06-03 zzz
357. 06-01 廢
356. 05-31 一大堆
355. 05-31 晃神得非常嚴重
354. 05-30 翻了翻老資料
353. 05-29 標籤
352. 05-29 想起來了
351. 05-29 萬年標題:忽然在想
350. 05-28 finder 大垃圾,爛爛爛
349. 05-26 在想
348. 05-24 那個
347. 05-24 Re: *文
346. 05-24
345. 05-23 我太慢想這件事了
344. 05-23 result
343. 05-22 我在幹嘛
342. 05-18 一直一直
341. 05-16 可不可以讓我高興一點
340. 05-16 DataMapper 0.3.x to 0.9
339. 05-15 混亂的感覺
338. 05-15 redmine 資料庫重建...
337. 05-14 git, redmine, and others (3)
336. 05-13 git, redmine, and others (2)
335. 05-13 git, redmine, and others (1)
334. 05-10 svk => git 的麻煩...
333. 05-10 含淚送走 svk...
332. 05-09 module XhtmlFormatter
331. 05-07 Ruby 程式壓縮...
330. 05-06 不好意思,
329. 05-04 svk, we're done; hello git-svn
328. 05-04 懂、不懂
327. 05-03 Chomsky hierarchy
326. 05-03 latin
325. 05-03 地球最強 GUI
324. 05-02 Love/Hate Ratio
323. 05-02 Chromatron
322. 05-02 Re: T▽T
321. 04-30 Redlof
320. 04-28 if you could have told me
319. 04-24 過癮
318. 04-23 好像很可笑
317. 04-23 該睡
316. 04-22 找不到替代的三大軟體
315. 04-21 title
314. 04-20 微妙的感覺
313. 04-20 總是不明原因地
312. 04-18 忘掉 design patterns
311. 04-17 (MMO)RPG classes (2)
310. 04-17 (MMO)RPG classes (OT: This is not longer a DSL...)
309. 04-17 五種 developer
308. 04-15 心情很差
307. 04-15 兩個問題
306. 04-15 電腦線圈
305. 04-12 左腦與右腦
304. 04-11 This is not longer a DSL. It's broken English.
303. 04-11 割捨
302. 04-09 R: [程式] 關於SLG系統的寫法
301. 04-09 因為新鮮
300. 04-07 result of thoughts
299. 04-07 以前做過一個問卷
298. 04-04 123123
297. 04-04 一定要這樣子就是了嗎...
296. 04-03 停歇一陣子的
295. 04-02 貓鍋
294. 04-01 也許工作無法...
293. 03-29 我想
292. 03-26 又是不知道多少個月過去
291. 03-24 沒有 tr1/functional 是不行的
290. 03-23 時間像是凍結似的
289. 03-20 rake, erubis, cmake, make
288. 03.15 新貨入荷(Baccano!)
287. 03.12 毫無士氣啊
286. 03.10 一定要這麼吵這麼煩嗎
285. 03.07 下午
284. 03.07 國立臺灣大學進修推廣部請不要再寄 spam 了
283. 03.07 untitled folder
282. 03.03 洞窟物語
281. 03.03 矇蔽與欺騙
280. 02.29 又是無謂的焦躁與不安
279. 02.27 Ever 17(reply of 焦躁)
278. 02.26 焦躁
277. 02.24 有時候
276. 02.23 不要動不動就縮址好嗎
275. 02.23 好殘(頹?)廢...
274. 02.20 微妙的平衡
273. 02.19 Rice - Ruby Interface for C++ Extensions
272. 02.18 不小心瞥到別的
271. 02.18 [RoR ] 不知道有沒有用的 paginator
270. 02.16 20th Century Boys(無捏)
269. 02.15 如果說
268. 02.13 華而不實的廣告
267. 02.13 我也不明白為什麼
266. 02.12 為了不繼續發神經下去...
265. 02.11 半夜醒來睡不著
264. 02.09 無意間又讀到 soft_job 上高手的文章
263. 02.07 於是
262. 02.05 Patch-maker
261. 02.03 忽然羨慕起你了
260. 02.03 回想起之前痛苦的日子
259. 02.02 沒辦法無所謂
258. 02.02 無止盡的哀傷
257. 02.02 deleted
256. 02.01 彷彿是找死似的
255. 01.31 終於得這麼說了
254. 01.30 這會很奇怪嗎?
253. 01.30 近似昏睡
252. 01.29 雖然我很想
251. 01.29 每天
250. 01.27 頭好昏......
249. 01.26 今天
248. 01.26 三年半啊
247. 01.25 我居然亂搞系統...
246. 01.23 換硬碟很開心 ˇ
245. 01.23 開站至今的數據統計(約 11 個月?)
244. 01.23 沒點令人愉快的事
243. 01.21 回房一瞥看到床上雜物
242. 01.21 拜託一下,
241. 01.21 亂了
240. 01.19 剛剛是怎麼回事?
239. 01.18 又是焦躁到不像話
238. 01.18 新版型, for 2.3.2
237. 01.17 矛盾
236. 01.15 又在 cp 來 cp 去
235. 01.14 不太想睡
234. 01.13 時間
233. 01.11 頭有點痛
232. 01.09 這兩天
231. 01.07 ludy 0.0.9 released
230. 01.06 enable_shared_from_this (2)
229. 01.05 非常沒力
228. 01.04 enable_shared_from_this (1)
227. 01.03 object pool reloaded
226. 01.01 還是去睡吧
225. 01.01 很難不多作聯想
224. 12.30 google 查 boost spirit 繁體中文網站
223. 12.29 很好
222. 12.28 跟標楷體相比的話...
221. 12.27 結果還是做不了什麼
220. 12.26 我居然迷上這個了 XD (Google Image Labeler)
219. 12.26 再怎麼不願意
218. 12.25 又想睡了
217. 12.25 結果我也搞丟了自己的程式
216. 12.25 是哪一個腦
215. 12.24 let's rake it!
214. 12.24 捨不得睡
213. 12.23 忙到沒空發牢騷
212. 12.18 我不能理解
211. 12.18 我能理解
210. 12.17 測試加密
209. 12.16 為了可笑的理由
208. 12.14 我不想
207. 12.13 忽然想到的是
206. 12.12 [心得] 一點 rails 雜項心得
205. 12.10 立喰師列伝、BRAVE STORY、Paprika
204. 12.09 我也不知道為什麼
203. 12.09 RolyRolyPolyPoly
202. 12.08 天啊我好怕句號
201. 12.06 whatever...
200. 12.04 轉貼,一堆他處的剪輯
199. 12.04 最近應該少說點話
198. 12.03 不明白
197. 12.02 red5...
196. 11.28 冬眠...
195. 11.21 哈哈哈,不過我忽然覺得,
194. 11.21 其實我覺得...
193. 11.19 我想知道你在說什麼,
192. 11.19 多了兩個玩具
191. 11.17 剛剛在看 hikaru no go
190. 11.17 我的耐心快降到零了
189. 11.16 SAFARI 3 !!!
188. 11.15 每天 vm 開開關關
187. 11.14 Fwd: Re: Microsoft Puts the 'F' in Functional
186. 11.14 藍牙老鼠更新:
185. 11.13 啊啊,真的是
184. 11.13 看耳擴...
183. 11.13 消不掉的焦躁
182. 11.13 ActionScript 3.0 closure and scope
181. 11.12 買了藍牙雷射鼠
180. 11.08 修修改改
179. 11.02 之所以寫程式
178. 10.30 not much to say about all these stupid things
177. 09.16 deleted
176. 09.15 你們都不懂/聽
175. 09.13 deleted
174. 09.10 deleted
173. 09.09 今早真是慘啊 XD
172. 09.07 其實﹍
171. 09.07 living on the edge
170. 09.07 beast hacking history
169. 09.07 魔王堡壘筆記
168. 09.06 藍龍被罵得好慘
167. 09.06 三件事
166. 09.03 我一點都不想
165. 09.02 game design chronicle
164. 09.02 Superators Add New Operators to Ruby
163. 09.01 tower defense?
162. 08.31 Timer(setInterval) && ENTER_FRAME(onEnterFrame)
161. 08.30 ActionScript 3.0
160. 08.30 結果失敗了
159. 08.29 重要的
158. 08.29 其實真的不用特別說狀況不好 XD
157. 08.28 想收的 CD
156. 08.27 ie_hack:
155. 08.26 IE 6/7 回來了 XD
154. 08.25 IE 6/7 再見 XD
153. 08.25 CSS2
152. 08.24 最近幾天
151. 08.23 XHTML 1.0/1.1
150. 08.23 公告,嘎,新網址正式啟用
149. 08.22 公告,本 weblog 換網址,要更新吶(
148. 08.22 Fedora Core 6 上安裝 beast (3)
147. 08.20 啊我超感動的!
146. 08.18 想說點什麼
145. 08.15 Fedora Core 6 上安裝 beast (2)
144. 08.14 星之水餃安裝方式(Fedora Core 6 上安裝 beast (1))
143. 08.13 星之編年史
142. 08.13 新論壇開張–星之水餃
141. 08.12 ludy 0.0.4 released
140. 08.11 所謂放假與不放假﹍
139. 08.09 學習?
138. 08.08 總算弄起來 PostgreSQL 了
137. 08.07 最近有時候會有一種
136. 08.07 像是這樣歌唱著
135. 08.07 ludy 0.0.3 released
134. 08.05 一些碎碎念與黃昏前夕
133. 08.02 最近有很多主題想說
132. 08.01 雖然有點老梗了,還是想玩一下
131. 07.28 好多﹍﹍
130. 07.28 卻一點力也沒有
129. 07.28 我真的嚇到了
128. 07.26 gimp
127. 07.25 [心得] RubyCocoa
126. 07.25 在發呆、壞心情、與忙碌中徘徊
125. 07.25 所以我決定放棄了,哈哈
124. 07.25 Flash 與 GUI
123. 07.24 於是,第四個太陽落下了
122. 07.23 頭上長出三根毛
121. 07.23 Ruby GUI
120. 07.22 兔子的第二根絨毛
119. 07.21 還真是不知所云啊
118. 07.21 獅子的第一根鬃毛
117. 07.20 最後一刻
116. 07.20 傳說拔到
115. 07.20 asdasdasdasd
114. 07.18 list of installed ports & gems
113. 07.18
112. 07.17 啊好感動,cog 升級了
111. 07.17 club japan CD 到貨
110. 07.17 飽和脂肪星復活
109. 07.16 好累好想睡
108. 07.16 自傳
107. 07.11 beyond reckoning
106. 07.11 Rails short comment
105. 07.10 真感動!順多了
104. 07.08 ruby facets
103. 07.08 來打小遊戲殺時間好了
102. 07.08 所謂 log 就是日期導向
101. 07.07 UNIX
100. 07.07 仍然是個不知道該做什麼的日子
99. 07.07 第二次流量統計
98. 07.07 頭昏昏,睡不著
97. 07.06 那一瞬間
96. 07.06 Unix philosophy
95. 07.06 [Ruby] @v ? @@v ?
94. 07.06 [Ruby] scope with eval and mixin
93. 07.06 Rails, ActiveRecord, ORM
92. 07.05 空虛碎碎念傳說
91. 07.04 狀況真的很糟
90. 07.04 吵死了
89. 07.04 我恨你我恨你我恨你
88. 07.03 svn/svk note
87. 07.01 不知道自己在幹嘛
86. 06.29 lots things to do
85. 06.29 混帳...
84. 06.27 list of softwares installed in my new mac book
83. 06.25 rocaml: Ruby extensions in Objective Caml
82. 06.24 The Lost Piece 迷失的一角
81. 06.24 …
80. 06.24 是啊,
79. 06.22 Monad 真的有這麼難?
78. 06.19 不要再宅來宅去了好嗎?
77. 06.19 D 2.0 ???
76. 06.19 轉方塊就像寫程式?
75. 06.17 嗯,對
74. 06.17 真 OOXX 難用…
73. 06.16 魔法陣グルグル (1)
72. 06.16 詐欺獵人
71. 06.15 喔哈哈
70. 06.12 在等什麼?
69. 06.11 Rubik's Cube
68. 06.10 ALPS vs Linear Action(黑軸)
67. 06.07 失落的時間 (1)
66. 06.06 視線
65. 06.05 不過是呻吟罷了
64. 05.31 deleted
63. 05.28 建構式數學
62. 05.28 Aramary
61. 05.27 pretend to be
60. 05.27 不明白
59. 05.22 潔癖
58. 05.21 Comeau C/C++ 4.3.9
57. 05.21 Rent
56. 05.20 也許還不夠,
55. 05.20 untitled
54. 05.19 動搖…
53. 05.17 抱歉,
52. 05.16 心情差到想關站
51. 05.15 常見別字
50. 05.15 Liskell the language
49. 05.13 如果我有勇氣的話
48. 05.13 that time i was young
47. 05.12 目前使用軟體清單
46. 05.12 Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
45. 05.12 April 2007 ISO C++ Standards Meeting
44. 05.10 邊緣
43. 05.06 coderay
42. 05.05 programming languages
41. 05.05 script/plugin
40. 05.03 哈哈哈哈哈
39. 05.02 require 'rubygems'
38. 04.30 zzz...
37. 04.29 寫程式的思想與習慣
36. 04.28 godfat 真常 作品集
35. 04.25 新增的東西
34. 04.25 我是娘砲 XD
33. 04.24 本來是想改 TODO 的
32. 04.23 無論如何還是想講點什麼
31. 04.21 幾日來的冷靜?
30. 04.21 事情都沒做
29. 04.21 台灣黑客鬆二零零七(引言過長…)
28. 04.20 Puzzle Quest
27. 04.18 BBS
26. 04.18 逝去的夢
25. 04.16 [Ruby] recursive lambda
24. 04.15 太衝動了,恐怕等會就後悔了。
23. 04.15 從沒這麼絕望過
22. 04.14 sleeping sleepy sleeper
21. 04.14 Google Analytics
20. 04.11 睡醒時分
19. 04.10 醫生,
18. 04.09 boost.spirit (上)
17. 04.07 是有這麼恨我…?
16. 04.02 明明就有很多該做的事
15. 04.01 愚人節的禮物?OrzLab Launch
14. 03.27 Ruby 的 class 與 instance
13. 03.26 是忙,或是不忙
12. 03.23 快爆炸了
11. 03.22 [proj] spellbook
10. 03.21 custom domain
09. 03.16 why scripting?
08. 03.11 SWIG/Ruby
07. 03.11 從來就不是無所謂
06. 03.06 世界ノ全テ
05. 03.05 耳機系統新希望
04. 03.04 什麼事都不想做時
03. 03.03 index by date
02. 03.03 TODO
01. 03.03 why 2.0?
00. 03.02 開場白