What have you found for these years?




type system
google reader
rss feeds
google pages
tail recursion optimization

週末:XMLSocket, 作品集
optional(have some fun?):
rubygems, Rails plugin, Haskell exercise No.7(how interesting!!)
Programming Ruby, Agile Web Development with Rails

type inference algorithm.......it's so hard to read...

  1. Haskell exercise

  2. type inference

  3. 作品集

  4. stupid network homework

  5. 實習

  6. asio TCP server with Flash XMLSocket

  7. BBS modifying

  8. Puzzle Quest

  9. 繪本

  10. 最新文章 issue, 自動?手動?

  11. favorite albums 移除

  12. 繼續閱讀直接展開就好,不要拉新頁面

  13. 可以的話,修改繼續閱讀的演算法……原本的太爛了

  14. 說明最新文章與其他外掛的事情

  1. 想辦法把這裡改得更好一點,到底怎麼樣才能只顯示 topic?

  2. PLT 精華區、文章、資源、活動…?

  3. Ruby 精華區、文章、活動…?

  4. Flickr API

  5. functional programming

  6. Lighty RoR

  7. glest?

  8. irr?

  9. 六角

  10. 對稱

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