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C# and Java Weekday Languages, Python and Ruby For Weekends?

from slashdot
C# and Java Weekday Languages, Python and Ruby For Weekends?

文章不用讀,我從來不讀的 XD
slashdot 廢文佔多數,只是有些回應真的很有趣。

This means that more programmers are using Python and Ruby
on the weekend for their personal projects, showing that these
languages are more fun to use.

這段不重要,因為本來就是不同的目的,底下很多人在鞭 XD
重點是這篇 XD Ghaaaaaa????
...And in other news, older people seem to die more often
than younger people, showing that being dead is much more
fun as you get older.

哈哈哈 XD indeed XDD

這也很棒 XD Re:WWTBD?
No, it clearly shows that shops using C# and Java
employ lazy bastards that don't work on weekends ;)

酸到炸.. XD 原文 Re:What about Perl?
回覆 Re:What about Perl?
And judging from your gratuitous use of capital letters,
I guess you're writing all your code on punch cards.


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