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[ANN] rest-more 0.8.0 released


by Cardinal Blue http://cardinalblue.com


Various REST clients such as Facebook and Twitter built with rest-core


rest-more 0.8.0 – 2011-11-29

Incompatible changes

  • [Facebook::RailsUtil] Some methods are renamed. For example, rc_facebook_write_rg_fbs is renamed to rc_facebook_write_fbs. All renamed methods are considered private, so we’re not listing them here.

  • [Facebook::RailsUtil] rc_facebook_storage_key is changed to: "rc_facebook_#{rc_facebook.app_id}", your users might need to login again in order to save the access_token into the new place.

Bugs fixes

  • [Github] Fixed usage of Oauth2Query.

  • [Facebook] Now we’re using POST in authorize! to exchange the access_token with the code instead of GET. If we’re using GET, we would run into a risk where a user might use the code to get other people’s access_token via the cache. Using POST would prevent this because POSTs are not cached.

  • [Facebook::RailsUtil] Fixed a serious bug. The bug would jump up if you’re using :write_session or :write_cookies or :write_handler along with :auto_authorize, for example: rc_facebook_setup(:auto_authorize => true, :write_session => true) The problem is that Facebook::RailsUtil is not removing the invalid access_token stored in session or cookie, and yet it is considered authorized, making redirecting to Facebook and redirecting back doesn’t update the access_token. rc_facebook_cleanup is introduced to remove all invalid access_tokens, which would get called once the user is redirected to Facebook, fixing this bug.


  • [Facebook] Now we use default_data to get the default data, instead of relying Defaults middleware.

  • [Facebook] Protected methods are changed to private.

  • [Flurry] app_info now accepts opts.
  • [Flurry] event_metrics is renamed to event_summary
  • [Flurry] event_metrics is now the API for accessing ‘eventMetrics/Event’
  • [Flurry] If you didn’t pass dates, now default to for 7 days.
  • [Flurry] Instead of overriding query, defining default_query

  • [Linkedin+Twitter] Removed Defaults middleware because now we’re using the data from Oauth1Client instead.

  • [Linkedin+Twitter] Removed oauth_token, oauth_token=, oauth_token_secret, and oauth_token_secret= because we’re using them from Oauth1Client instead.

  • [Linkedin+Twitter] Removed set_token because it’s handled in Oauth1Client now.

  • [Twitter::RailsUtil] Now rc_twitter_setup accepts options like rc_facebook_setup: auto_authorize, ensure_authorized, write_session, write_cookies, write_handler, and check_handler.

  • [Mixi] Removed Defaults middleware in favor of default_data.

  • [Facebook+Github+Mixi+Twitter] Added a me method for accessing current user information.


gem install rest-more

Or if you want development version, put this in Gemfile:

gem 'rest-more', :git => 'git://github.com/cardinalblue/rest-more.git',
                 :submodules => true


require 'rest-more'

RestCore::Twitter.new.statuses('_cardinalblue') # get user tweets
RestCore::Github.new.get('users/cardinalblue')  # get user info

linkedin = RestCore::Linkedin.new(:consumer_key    => '...',
                                  :consumer_secret => '...')
linkedin.authorize_url!   # copy and paste the URL in browser to authorize
linkedin.authorize!('..') # paste your code from browser
linkedin.me               # get current user info

RestCore::Facebook.new.get('4') # get user info

See example for more complex examples.

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