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[ANN] rest-core 0.8.0 released


by Cardinal Blue http://cardinalblue.com


Modular Ruby clients interface for REST APIs


rest-core 0.8.0 – 2011-11-29

Changes are mostly related to OAuth.

Incompatible changes

  • [OAuth1Header] callback is renamed to oauth_callback
  • [OAuth1Header] verifier is renamed to oauth_verifier

  • [Oauth2Header] The first argument is changed from access_token to access_token_type. Previously, the access_token_type is “OAuth” which is used in Mixi. But mostly, we might want to use “Bearer” (according to OAuth 2.0 spec) Argument for the access_token is changed to the second argument.

  • [Defaults] Now we’re no longer call call for any default values. That is, if you’re using this: use s::Defaults, :data => lambda{{}} that would break. Previously, this middleware would call call on the lambda so that data is default to a newly created hash. Now, it would merely be default to the lambda. To make it work as before, please define def default_data; {}; end in the client directly. Please see OAuth1Client as an example.


  • [AuthBasic] Added a new middleware which could do basic authentication.

  • [OAuth1Header] Introduced data which is a hash and is used to store tokens and other information sent from authorization servers.

  • [ClientOauth1] Now authorize_url! accepts opts which you can pass authorize_url!(:oauth_callback => 'http://localhost/callback').

  • [ClientOauth1] Introduced authorize_url which would not try to ask for a request token, instead, it would use the current token as the request token. If you don’t understand what does this mean, then keep using authorize_url!, which would call this underneath.

  • [ClientOauth1] Introduced authorized?
  • [ClientOauth1] Now it would set data['authorized'] = 'true' when authorize! is called, and it is also used to check if we’re authorized or not in authorized?

  • [ClientOauth1] Introduced data_json and data_json= which allow you to serialize and deserialize data with JSON along with a sig to check if it hasn’t been changed. You can put this into browser cookie. Because of the sig, you would know if the user changed something in data without using consumer_secret to generate a correct sig corresponded to the data.

  • [ClientOauth1] Introduced oauth_token, oauth_token=, oauth_token_secret, oauth_token_secret=, oauth_callback, and oauth_callback= which take the advantage of data.

  • [ClientOauth1] Introduced default_data which is a hash.


gem install rest-core

Or if you want development version, put this in Gemfile:

gem 'rest-core', :git => 'git://github.com/cardinalblue/rest-core.git',
                 :submodules => true

If you just want to use Facebook or Twitter clients, please take a look at rest-more which has a lot of clients built with rest-core.

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