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[ANN] rib 0.9.1 released


by Lin Jen-Shin (godfat)

CHANGES from 0.9.0:

  • [extra/autoindent] Autoindent plugin help you indent multiline editing. Note: This plugin is depending on readline_buffer, thus GNU Readline.

  • [ripl] After require 'rib/ripl', ripl plugins should be usable for rib.

  • [rib] Introduce ENV['RIB_HOME'] to set where to store config and history. By default, it’s ~/.rib now, but it would first search for existing config or history, which would first try to see ~/.rib/config.rb, and then ~/.rib/history.rb. If Rib can find anything there, then RIB_HOME would be set to ~/.rib, the same goes to ~/.config/rib. In short, by default RIB_HOME is ~/.rib, but the old ~/.config/rib still works.



Ruby-Interactive-ruBy – Yet another interactive Ruby shell

Rib is based on the design of ripl and the work of ripl-rc, some of the features are also inspired by pry. The aim of Rib is to be fully featured and yet very easy to opt-out or opt-in other features. It shall be simple, lightweight and modular so that everyone could customize Rib.


  • Tested with MRI 1.8.7, 1.9.2 and Rubinius 1.2, JRuby 1.6
  • All gem dependencies are optional, but it’s highly recommended to use Rib with bond for tab completion.


gem install rib

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