What have you found for these years?


estiah status (1) (deck)

好難得覺得輕鬆,放心地玩 estiah 耶!剛剛試了很多種排法,
想用 Yoga Training 為主軸,放一堆 self-stunning 的牌,
想說幾乎不要 spirit, 純粹防禦應該有效果。結果不管是 aura 取向,
或是單純防禦,都很難達到好效果。結果忽然注意到由於 Yoga Training
和大量的 stunning, 導致 melee 傷害變得好高!有好幾次甚至差點

乾脆峰迴路轉,改走 melee 算了!就用 Boiling Blood, Retreat,
Release Seal, 還有 Hyphine Injection, 和 Energy Bloom,
想說來試試 super burst 好了。結果... 大概只贏這一次,

Godfat uses [Energy Bloom]
Godfat's melee attacks are increased by up to 65
Lilabelle takes 633 melee damage
Godfat is normalized
Tiger's Eye takes effect, Godfat's next melee attack is increased by up to 15

Lilabelle uses [Slashing Axe "Welcome"]
Godfat takes 45 melee damage
Lilabelle's ward raises to 180
Preparation takes effect, Lilabelle's next melee attack is increased by up to 88
Because of Blood Pact, Lilabelle's melee attacks are increased by up to 2

Godfat uses [Eroded Wave Splitter]
Lilabelle takes 57 melee damage
Lilabelle takes 46 melee damage
Godfat's willpower raises to 17
Godfat is delayed for 1 turn

Lilabelle is defeated.

** Battle status **
Godfat : 11/937 HP, 0 Armor, 102 Ward, 17 Willpower, 44/60 Charm(s) left

buzz post

我是拿走 melee 和走 spirit 的兩個玩家測試,真的很難通殺 :(
甚至居然把一天 40 次的 skirmish 用光了還沒試完 @@"
Yoga Training 可能還需要一些關鍵的牌來輔助。

一氣之下,乾脆改試 melee CPB (constant power boost)
結果才試第一次就把那兩個測試玩家打趴了 :o
這也難怪 melee CPB 仍然是主流了... (嘆)
其次大概是 spirit deck 吧,也是我一直以來的主攻。
但再測了幾次,發現 melee cpb 甚至比我現在的 spirit debuff 還強!
所以就乾脆把 melee cpb 也設成 defense deck 了,看看效果如何,
雖然我真的好幾個禮拜沒被別人打過了。我想賺 Outlaw 啊!

接著再點了一次 Prime Hitman 後,我發現我終於能用 Magebane Poison
和 Chaotic Decay 了!前者是 debuff 系列的關鍵,因為我一直以來都
對 magic attacker 沒輒,這絕對是很重要的幫手,另一方面,這張牌
也將會使得 Decay 有效果!

Godfat uses [Decay]
Godfat's willpower remains at 4
Zhaibas's melee attacks are decreased by up to 29
Blighted Woodling attacks, Zhaibas's melee attacks are decreased by up to 5
Godfat is weakened

很輕易就能把對方的 melee 傷害降到零,只要他不 cleanse. 而事實上,
確實很少人會用 cleanse, 因為這等於是在降低自己的傷害。最好的防禦,
而除了 debuff, 單純的防禦也確實沒什麼效果...

等我把 Chaotic Decay 拿滿五張,再加上 Faked Mercy, 可以再試試看
bane deck. 上次測試,效果實在很差,我沒有足夠多的 bane 牌,
而且一旦對方 cleanse, 幾乎就完全反制了... 我看是沒什麼希望 :(
本來很期待可以用 True Sight + Energy Bloom + bane 走天下說。

像是 achievements 沒什麼差異,而 skills 幾乎全練滿了。但還是有人
HP 高我一大截耶,真不知道怎麼練的?大概真的要全部練滿才能那麼高吧?

Godfat of the Blooming Earth
Action Points: 301
Class: Slayer
Gold: 16181g
Current Position: Draka
Progress to next level (55/100) (+142)
Character growth (461/900) (+48)
HP: 937 (+51) # 好多!
Spirit: 60 (+4)
Power: 311 (+43)
Constitution: 349 (+34)
Dexterity: 358 (+31)
Intellect: 477 (+34)
Player Versus Player Rating: 3183 (+5) # 贏不太了,又想省錢
Max Rating: 3183 (+5)
Life Time : (67.4% win) (+0.7%)
899 Wins 435 Losses (+84/+29) # 我有殺那麼多人嗎...
Achievements Total points: 1095/3040 (+95) # 不太能成長了...
Skills mastered: 226 (+16) # 有這麼多嗎??
New Skills: 14 (-14)
Collected charms: 2680 (+308) # 好誇張 XD
Collected unique charms: 785 (+61)

Guild Deck (magic/boost/focus):
主要改變是能用 Lightflake 了,乾脆就換成 aura 為主,然後 focus 更多點。
現在這樣的傷害比之前高很多,再加上我的 squad 裡另外兩人都有用
Lawful Will, 導致 armor 和 willpower 都會衝到很高!
Metal Melt 也很好用,對於 magic attacker 而言... 有效的機率很高。

Banishing Ice Stone x5
Banishing Flame Stone x5
Sage Arcane Weave x5
Sage Mana Weave x5
-Heaven Piercer x5
-Thunderfangs x5
-Glorious Thunder Staff x5
-Demon Power x3
-Sky's Revenge x3
+Lightflake x5
+Slayer's Sigil x2 # 等著換掉
-Ley Line x4
+Ley Line x5
+Metal Melt x5
Spark x5
Icy Winds x5
-Cleansing Dance x2
+Cleansing Dance x1
Appeasing Balm x2
+Lawful Will x5
+Boreal Spear x5

+Melee: destroy 335 armor
-Magic: 781 + 256 (16% P)
+Magic: 490 + 320 (14% P)
-Shifting: 740 (18% P)
+Shifting: 278 (25% P)
-Armor: 64 + 110 cumulative
+Armor: 32
-Ward: 44
+Ward: 22
Extra attacks: 5
-Auras: 10
+Auras: 25
-Focus: 12 (108)
+Focus: 15 (125)

Defense Deck (debuff/spirit/True Sight):
主要改變上面說過了,在於 Magebane Poison 的可用。另外是大幅降低
spirit 傷害,之前是 100, 現在只有 60, 改以 debuff 為主。

True Sight x5
Power Leak x5
Feet Bind x5
+Blighted Woodling x5
+Magebane Poison x5
+Decay x5
-Earth Dragon Crown x5
+Robes of Majesty x5 # 同時有不錯的防 spirit 功能
+Withering Touch x5
Voodoo Head x5
-Challenger's Pressure x5
Soul Cry x5
-Power Corruption x5
-Mind Blast x5
Soul Healing x5
-Shield of the Brave x3
-Crown of Prestige x3
+Crown of Prestige x5 # 這是防 spirit 最強的牌...

+Magic: destroy 265 ward
Shifting: 130 (20% P)
-Spirit: 100 damage, destroy 25 willpower
+Spirit: 60 damage, destroy 35 willpower
Armor: 183
Ward: 310 cumulative
-Willpower: 24 + 15 cumulative
+Willpower: 30 + 15 cumulative
+Summons: 5
-Banes: 5
+Banes: 10

Defense Deck (melee/Blood Pack/Slash and Thrust):
Blood Pact x5 # 這張破壞了平衡.......
Luminous Idea x5 # 跟上面那張是絕配
Night Cloak x5 # 這沒破壞平衡,但也是必用
Mach Fist x5 # 最好的 non-class Extra Attack
Rapier x5
Honor Thrust x5
Eroded Wave Splitter x5 # 很喜歡這張 (Con, Pow, Int)
Slash and Thrust x5 # 這也是 melee CPB 絕配 (Con, Pow, Dex)
Impact x1 # 還湊不夠多
Glorious Puncher x5
Glorious Claymore x5 # 平衡真好,Fist (Int, Pow) 和 Sword (Dex, Pow) 都能用
Echoing Lance x3 # 雞肋,等著換成 Impact
Shakine Claws x5
Shakine Hammer x1 # 大概也會換成 Impact

Melee: 1826 (7% P), destroy 300 armor
Armor: 48 cumulative
Willpower: 30 + 35 cumulative
Extra attacks: 25
Banes: 5
Auras: 3

技能... 反正都是 script 幫我處理,貼出來也不費力氣。
Achievements 就沒那麼方便了,算了。deck 其實也該寫成 script...
Earth                mastered        5
Sword                mastered        5
Spear                mastered        5
Fist Weapons         mastered        5
Spirit Breaker       mastered        5
Iron Will            mastered        5
Axe                  mastered        5
Holy                 mastered        5
Shadow               mastered        5
Frost                mastered        5
Lightning            mastered        5
Mace                 mastered        5
Armor                mastered        5
Twin Blades          mastered        5
Fire                 mastered        5
Ward                 mastered        5
Courage              mastered        4
Burst                mastered        3
Strengthening        mastered        3
Charm Alchemist      mastered        3
Sacrifice            mastered        3
Destruction          mastered        3
Spirituality         mastered        3
Defender             mastered        3
Summoning            mastered        3
Empowerment          mastered        3
Self Defense         mastered        3
Balance              mastered        3
Survival             mastered        3
Sap                  mastered        3
Quickness            mastered        3
Leadership           mastered        3
Recklessness         mastered        3
Tactician            mastered        3
Radiance             mastered        2
Heroism              mastered        2
Spellbreaker         mastered        2
Cheat Death          mastered        2
Cruelty              12/100          1
Animal Friendship    mastered        4
Animal Tamer         mastered        4
Bounty Hunter        mastered        3
Coliseum Master      165/220         3
Animal Raising       112/220         3
Building             mastered        2
Horse Riding         mastered        2
Discipline           128/180         2
Outlaw               100/180         2
Remorseless          80/180          2
Mentoring            48/180          2
Animal Trainer       28/180          2
Appraisal            mastered        1
Reflexes             mastered        1
Bargain              mastered        1
Command              mastered        1
Shop Management      78/100          1
Chaos                70/100          1
Collection           24/100          1
First Aid            21/100          1
Extreme Logger       mastered        4
Extreme Miner        mastered        4
Extreme Herbalist    mastered        4
Extreme Condenser    mastered        4
Treasure Hunter      mastered        4
Logger               mastered        4
Condenser            mastered        4
Miner                mastered        4
Herbalist            mastered        4
Explorer             mastered        3
Illusion Disperser   mastered        1
Cloud Chaser         mastered        1
Earth Bloomer        mastered        1
Fathom Dweller       mastered        1
Sewer Cleaner        mastered        1
Taunt                mastered        1
Spirit Appeaser      mastered        1
Tablet Seeker        mastered        1
Golem Crusher        mastered        1
Element Soother      mastered        1
Igniting Resurgence  64/100          1
Pumpkin Delice       5/100           1
Slayer               mastered        3
Sage                 mastered        2
Novice               mastered        1

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