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[ANN] rest-core 1.0.0 released

rest-core Build Status

by Cardinal Blue http://cardinalblue.com

Lin Jen-Shin (godfat) had given a talk about rest-core on RubyConf Taiwan 2011. The slide is in English, but the talk is in Mandarin.

You can also read some other topics at doc.


Modular Ruby clients interface for REST APIs


rest-core 1.0.0 – 2012-03-17

This is a very significant release. The most important change is now we support asynchronous requests, by either passing a callback block or using fibers in Ruby 1.9 to make the whole program still look synchronous.

Please read README.md or example for more detail.

  • [Client] Client#inspect is fixed for clients which do not have any attributes.

  • [Client] HEAD, OPTIONS, and PATCH requests are added. For example:

    client = Client.new
  • [Client] Now if you passed a block to either get or post or other requests, the response would be returned to the block instead the caller. In this case, the return value of get or post would be the client itself. For example:

    client = Client.new
    client.get('path'){ |response| puts response.insepct }.
           get('math'){ |response| puts response.insepct }
  • [RestClient] Now all the response headers names are converted to upper cases and underscores (_). Also, if a header has only presented once, it would not be wrapped inside an array. This is more consistent with em-http-request, cool.io-http, and http_parser.rb

  • [RestClient] From now on, the default HTTP client, i.e. RestClient won’t follow any redirect. To follow redirect, please use FollowRedirect middleware. Two reasons. One is that the underlying HTTP client should be minimal. Another one is that a FollowRedirect middleware could be used for all HTTP clients. This would make it more consistent across all HTTP clients.

  • [RestClient] Added a patch to avoid "123".to_i returning 200, please see: https://github.com/archiloque/rest-client/pull/103 I would remove this once after this patch is merged.

  • [RestClient] Added a patch to properly returning response whenever a redirect is happened. Please see: https://github.com/archiloque/rest-client/pull/118 I would remove this once after this patch is merged.

  • [FollowRedirect] This middleware would follow the redirect. Pass :max_redirects for the maximum redirect times. For example:

    Client = RestCore::Builder.client do
      use FollowRedirect, 2 # default :max_redirects
    client = Client.new
    client.get('path', {}, :max_redirects => 5)
  • [Middleware] Added Middleware#run which can return the underlying HTTP client, if you need to know the underlying HTTP client can support asynchronous requests or not.

  • [Cache] Now it’s asynchrony-aware.
  • [CommonLogger] Now it’s asynchrony-aware.
  • [ErrorDetector] Now it’s asynchrony-aware.
  • [ErrorHandler] Now it’s asynchrony-aware.
  • [JsonDecode] Now it’s asynchrony-aware.
  • [Timeout] Now it’s asynchrony-aware.

  • [Universal] FollowRedirect middleware is added.
  • [Universal] Defaults middleware is removed.

  • Added RestCore::ASYNC which should be the callback function which is called whenever the response is available. It’s similar to Rack’s async.callback.

  • Added RestCore::TIMER which is only used in Timeout middleware. We need this to disable timer whenever the response is back.

  • [EmHttpRequestAsync] This HTTP client accepts a block to make asynchronous HTTP requests via em-http-request gem.

  • [EmHttpRequestFiber] This HTTP client would make asynchronous HTTP requests with em-http-request but also wrapped inside a fiber, so that it looks synchronous to the program who calls it.

  • [EmHttpRequest] This HTTP client would would use EmHttpRequestAsync if a block (RestCore::ASYNC) is passed, otherwise use EmHttpRequestFiber.

  • [CoolioAsync] This HTTP client is basically the same as EmHttpRequestAsync, but using cool.io-http instead of em-http-request.

  • [CoolioFiber] This HTTP client is basically the same as EmHttpRequestFiber, but using cool.io-http instead of em-http-request.

  • [Coolio] This HTTP client is basically the same as EmHttpRequest, but using cool.io-http instead of em-http-request.

  • [Auto] This HTTP client would auto-select a suitable client. Under eventmachine, it would use EmHttpRequest. Under cool.io, it would use Coolio. Otherwise, it would use RestClient.


shell gem install rest-core

Or if you want development version, put this in Gemfile:

ruby gem 'rest-core', :git => 'git://github.com/cardinalblue/rest-core.git', :submodules => true

If you just want to use Facebook or Twitter clients, please take a look at rest-more which has a lot of clients built with rest-core.

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