[ANN] rest-more 0.7.0 released
by Cardinal Blue http://cardinalblue.com
Various REST clients such as Facebook and Twitter built with rest-core
rest-more 0.7.0 – 2011-10-08
- Extracted from rest-core 0.4.0
- [Facebook] Added
which can parse Facebook’s new cookie. Also,RC::Facebook#parse_cookies!
would look for that too. - [Facebook] Fixed that parsing an invalid signed_request would raise an error. From now on it would simply ignore it and wipe out the data.
- [Flurry] Some minor updates.
gem install rest-more
Or if you want development version, put this in Gemfile:
gem 'rest-more', :git => 'git://github.com/cardinalblue/rest-more.git',
:submodules => true
require 'rest-more'
RestCore::Twitter.new.statuses('_cardinalblue') # get user tweets
RestCore::Github.new.get('users/cardinalblue') # get user info
linkedin = RestCore::Linkedin.new(:consumer_key => '...',
:consumer_secret => '...')
linkedin.authorize_url! # copy and paste the URL in browser to authorize
linkedin.authorize!('..') # paste your code from browser
linkedin.me # get current user info
RestCore::Facebook.new.get('4') # get user info
See example for more complex examples.
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