my commits stats...
It's not all of them, but for what I don't feel too shamed
or boring to talk about. Til today, 2011-09-02
*photo: 2476 (ruby)
*travelballoon: 1149 (ruby)
*friendmkt: 1009 (ruby)
rest-core: 943 (ruby)
**rest-graph: 692 (ruby)
rib: 502 (ruby)
*heroku-scaler: 384 (ruby)
*pageclub: 280 (ruby)
cubeat: 266 (c++)
dot-rc: 238
*roodo-player: 238 (actionscript 2)
**ripl-rc: 220 (ruby) 219
*mot: 214 (ruby)
*pic-collage: 212 (ruby)
ludy: 192 (ruby)
app-deploy: 187 (ruby)
dm-is-reflective: 186 (ruby)
*summer2007: 180 (ruby)
*member: 175 (ruby)
minei: 171 (scala)
*roodo-rc: 157
*ffbapi: 150 (ruby)
*cas: 149 (ruby)
sandbox: 141
spellbook: 132 (scala)
cerealize: 129 (ruby)
pagify: 120 (ruby)
*snapbit: 109 (ruby)
dev-tool: 108 (ruby)
*summer2008: 106 (ruby)
gw-templates: 97
friendly_format: 94 (ruby)
source-tools: 88 (ruby)
avatarblock: 57 (actionscript 3)
thumbo: 51 (ruby)
total commits: 10909
ruby: 24 (10045)
scala: 2 (303)
c++: 1 (266)
actionscript 3: 1 (57)
actionscript 2: 1 (238)
haskell: 0
I want to have a Haskell project! Any idea what should I do?
or boring to talk about. Til today, 2011-09-02
(*for closed source) project name: commits number (language)
(**for duplication)
*photo: 2476 (ruby)
*travelballoon: 1149 (ruby)
*friendmkt: 1009 (ruby)
rest-core: 943 (ruby)
**rest-graph: 692 (ruby)
rib: 502 (ruby)
*heroku-scaler: 384 (ruby)
*pageclub: 280 (ruby)
cubeat: 266 (c++)
dot-rc: 238
*roodo-player: 238 (actionscript 2)
**ripl-rc: 220 (ruby) 219
*mot: 214 (ruby)
*pic-collage: 212 (ruby)
ludy: 192 (ruby)
app-deploy: 187 (ruby)
dm-is-reflective: 186 (ruby)
*summer2007: 180 (ruby)
*member: 175 (ruby)
minei: 171 (scala)
*roodo-rc: 157
*ffbapi: 150 (ruby)
*cas: 149 (ruby)
sandbox: 141
spellbook: 132 (scala)
cerealize: 129 (ruby)
pagify: 120 (ruby)
*snapbit: 109 (ruby)
dev-tool: 108 (ruby)
*summer2008: 106 (ruby)
gw-templates: 97
friendly_format: 94 (ruby)
source-tools: 88 (ruby)
avatarblock: 57 (actionscript 3)
thumbo: 51 (ruby)
language: projects (commits)
total commits: 10909
ruby: 24 (10045)
scala: 2 (303)
c++: 1 (266)
actionscript 3: 1 (57)
actionscript 2: 1 (238)
haskell: 0
I want to have a Haskell project! Any idea what should I do?
0 retries:
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