Arithmetic expression parser using Parsec
Latest literate haskell version, if available.
This program defines a very simple Int parser and Double parser.Later we would use those parsers to define our calculator parser.
First we import the Parsec module and define a convenient function
for running our test cases. We'll talk about Applicative functor later.
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>)) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec run p = parse p "calculator.lhs"
Int Parser
This is a very straightforward Int parser.To translate this syntax into regular expression,
this means an Int is \d+ (one digit or more than one digits).
Then we convert the string containing the Int to Int via `read',
and `return' it via Parser monad.
pInt :: Parser Int pInt = do val <- many1 digit return (read val)
Int Parser: test
As we can see here in the test, it works as expected, converting from"123" to 123. One thing which might be unexpected is that "123a" is
converted to 123 instead of raising syntax error. This is because
parsing does not need to end at the end of the source, that is we
don't consume all the input.
test0 = run pInt "123" -- Right 123 test1 = run pInt "123a" -- Right 123 test2 = run pInt "12a" -- Right 12 test3 = run pInt "a23" -- Left "calculator.lhs" (line 1, column 1): -- unexpected "a" -- expecting digit
If we want it to be exactly matched, that is all input should be consumed,
then we can add combine another parser called `eof' to match the end of
input (zerowidth). Something like:
pInt' :: Parser Int pInt' = do val <- many1 digit eof return (read val) test4 = run pInt' "123a" -- Left "calculator.lhs" (line 1, column 4): -- unexpected 'a' -- expecting digit or end of input
Double Parser
So a Double parser is two Int parsers combined with a '.' parser.We can first read an Int from the first Int parser, and then use a
'.' parser parse the point, and then discard it, because we don't need
any information on that point. Then we use the second Int parser to
parse the second part of the double. Finally, we build the
double value from the first int and the second int.
pDouble :: Parser Double pDouble = do left <- pInt char '.' right <- pInt return (read (show left ++ "." ++ show right))
Double Parser: test
Just like the Int parser, the Double parser also didn't care about eof.So "1.2.3" would be parsed as 1.2 instead of syntax error. We won't put
eof parser here because what we want at last is an arithmetic expression
parser. We'll put that eof parser on the last parser which we would use.
test5 = run pDouble "12.3" -- Right 12.3 test6 = run pDouble "1.2.3" -- Right 1.2 test7 = run pDouble ".12.3" -- Left "calculator.lhs" (line 1, column 1): -- unexpected "." -- expecting digit test8 = run pDouble "123" -- Left "calculator.lhs" (line 1, column 4): -- unexpected end of input -- expecting digit or "."
Number Parser
Here we would see something different. A Number parser which would parseeither an int or a double. We use (<|>) operator in Parsec to parse either
with the first parser or the second parser. First we `try' Double parser,
if it parsed, the we return that result. If it failed, then we parse with
the second (right hand side) parser.
pNum :: Parser Double pNum = try pDouble <|> (pInt >>= return . fromIntegral)
Because Int parser returns an int instead of a double, so here we use
`fromIntegral' to convert that int to double to satisfy the type checker.
Number Parser: alternative
The reason why we use `try' for the first parser is because Parsecwould not do lookahead match by default, and the match begins from
the first parser, if it matches, then it won't try the second parser.
This is why we need to try to parse double first. If we try to parse
int first, since a double is also an int before the point, it would
never parse double, and if we don't do lookahead match, when we fail
to parse double, we would end up with that the input has already been
consumed. This default is due to performance reason. This way, we can
build up efficient parser which would not do lookahead if possible.
But actually we only need to do lookahead parsing after the point,
the first int before the point is needed either for int or double.
So we don't have to do lookahead on the first int. To do this,
we can't use the Double parser we built above, because it didn't do
any lookahead at all.
pNum' :: Parser Double pNum' = do left <- many1 digit (do char '.' right <- many1 digit return (read (left ++ "." ++ right))) <|> return (read left)
Here we tell the alternative Number parser to parse the first int,
and then try to parse the point. If it failed, then we knew that
this is an int instead of a double. This would work because the point
parser won't accidentally consume input and we don't need to backtrack
(i.e. lookahead). This should run faster than the above one, although
I didn't benchmark it. Anyway, since premature optimization is the
root of all evil, we pick the easy one which uses `try' first.
Calculation Parser
Here things start getting interesting. (<*) means we only take the parseresult of the left hand side of the operator, but, the parser on the right
hand side of the operator should also parse. We don't want the result,
but it should also parse by sequence.
So our arithmetic expression parser parses an Expression and an `eof',
and we discard the eof, only taking the result of the Expression parser.
We would define the Expression parser later.
pCalculation :: Parser Double pCalculation = pExpression <* eof
Group Parser
And a Group parser is an expression grouped by parentheses.Also, we don't want the result of parentheses, only the expression.
pGroup :: Parser Double pGroup = char '(' *> pExpression <* char ')'
Factor Parser
A Factor is either a Group or a Number. We define this because we wantto associate '*' and '/' first instead of treating all operators the same.
pFactor :: Parser Double pFactor = pGroup <|> pNum
Term Parser
A Term is a Factor and '*' or '/' and a Factor, using (*) or (/) on operands.Because parser combinator defines an LL parser, we need to put recursive
cases on the right to avoid infinite recursions, that is why we would try to
parse a Factor first instead of writing it institutively like:
-- This would not terminate on an LL parser:
Term := Term '*' Factor | Term '/' Factor | Factor
Rather, we do something like this:
Term := try (Factor ('*' | '/') Term) | Factor
pTerm' :: Parser Double pTerm' = pFactor >>= rest where rest x = (op <*> pure x <*> pFactor >>= rest) <|> pure x op = char '*' *> pure (*) <|> char '/' *> pure (/)
Term Parser: Make it look better
We could also write it with `chainl1` from Parsec, which is cleaner:pTerm :: Parser Double pTerm = chainl1 pFactor (char '*' *> pure (*) <|> char '/' *> pure (/))
Does this look better?
Expression Parser
The same goes to '+' and '-'. An Expression is a Term '+' or '-' anExpression, using (+) or (-) on operands.
pExpression :: Parser Double pExpression = chainl1 pTerm (char '+' *> pure (+) <|> char '-' *> pure (-))
Double Parser: test
Let's see what we have done...test9 = run pCalculation "1+2*3" -- Right 7.0 test10 = run pCalculation "(1+2)*3" -- Right 9.0 test11 = run pCalculation "40-32/2" -- Right 24.0 test12 = run pCalculation "1+2a" -- Left "calculator.lhs" (line 1, column 4): -- unexpected 'a' -- expecting digit or end of input test13 = run pCalculation "(1-2)-3" -- Right -4.0 test14 = run pCalculation "1-2-3" -- Right -4.0 test15 = run pCalculation "2/2/2" -- Right 0.5
What's Next
So far so good, but one drawback is that we can't use spaces to separateoperators and operands. All spaces are forbidden. We can introduce a
lexer to help us tokenize operators and operands. Then we don't have to
pollute our syntax definition with optional spaces.
I'll cover this if I have more time... To be continued, hopefully.
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