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Product design at GitHub

Product design at GitHub

Insightful I would say.

But really it is because Github itself is a product for developers.
Consider a product for, ok, let's just say a child. Would the
child be able to design and develop the product (s)he wants?

This is really reminding me what Scott said,
(oh, and he did not reply my mail ><)
that even a very stupid game which could
take a half hour for his child, it did worth $30.

Some quotes:

You can’t run a product and pretend that every one of your ideas is
perfect. You’re going to have bad ideas, ideas that don’t fit, and
features that become abandoned. Don’t be afraid to abandon ideas.
The amount of time you spend on something is meaningless. You’re
not losing anything by throwing work away — you’re choosing not
to make your product worse.

Shipping features because you spent time or money on them is a
coward’s excuse. It takes balls to abandon features — grow some.

Don’t give your customers what they ask for;
give them what they want.

People can get crazy online. It’s a lot harder to spout out that crazy
when you’re talking to someone face to face. It forces people to
really think about what they’re going to say and reminds them that
there’s a living, breathing human being behind the product.

Having a great blog post explaining new features is absolutely killer.
It allows us to frame features in a certain light and explain our
thinking. It also shows a record of shipping — and we try hard to
ship and tell people about it all of the time.

This is so true:
But if you ship something every two months and they don’t like
10% of it — their overall perception is still positive.
and maybe this:
We don’t publish roadmaps or promise features within a timeframe
— we under promise and over deliver. And really, I think that’s why
our customers are so happy with our product design as a whole.
Watching github growing is really exciting.

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