What have you found for these years?


murmur (34) (estiah note)

忽然想到可以看一下 estiah 的 charm

safari 正式從 dock 上移除了,tab 都搬到 chrome 上
chrome 的速度,有些地方比 safari 快,有些比較慢
所謂主場優勢吧... 還有一些設定沒辦法調好,
因此不管怎麼樣,firefox 仍然會是主力。
期待哪天 chrome 可以取代 firefox...

estiah 升級到 30 了,多了一組 deck 可用
這裡筆記一下剛剛看到的一些 charm

+melee, +magic

Forbidden Vitamin (42)
Bewilderment (43)


Night Cloak (28)
Superior Fury Potion (38)
Perseverence (40)
Jade Bracer (42 Pow) + Duty (47 Con) + Skygod Sigil (44)
Release Karma (43) + Royal Decree (42 Con)
Crimson Fury Potion (42 Pow)


Manapulse Elixir (30)
Icy Winds (34)
Energy Wave (42) + Energy Bloom (44 Slayer)
Ley Line (43)
Bittersweet Magic (47 Int, Con)

extra action

Luminous Idea (19)
Night Cloak (28)
Icy Winds (34)
Jade Staff (42)
Lesser Summoning (42)
Violette's Roses (45)
Quick Jolt (46)
Tears of the Gods (46)
Bittersweet Magic (47 Int, Con)


Ozza's Ash (30)
Black Mark (41)
Staff of the Eclipse (40)
Slayer's Blades (40)
Sky's Revenge (40)
Slayer's Crest (45)


Thunderfangs (41)
Cerulean Rod (43) + Scepter of Gregorius (45) + Penance (46)
Forked Lightning (44)
Horn of Smiting (44)
Quick Jolt (46)
Trailblazer (47) + Moonshine (47) + Hailstorm (47)


Persecution (42)
Thunderfangs (41)
Heaven's Finger (44)
Violette's Roses (45)


Ozza's Ash (30)
Slayer's Garb (40)
Slayer's Sigil (43)
Skygod Sigil (44)
Ukko's Indifference (44)
Trailblazer (47) + Accoutrement of Misery (47)

ward projection

Ward Projection (27)
Divine Answer (33) + Scepter of Gregorius (45) + Penance (46)
Sage Lightblade (37)
Sage Lightning Relic (37)
Sage Flame Inscription (37)
Staff of the Eclipse (40)
Frozen Spirit (41)
Crystalline Ice (43)
Crystal of the Dawn (44)
Hailstorm (47)
Pale Wyvern Eye (47)

* guild, magic burst, 60 charms

Banishing Ice Stone (28) (or Energy Wave (42))
Manapulse Elixir (30)
Icy Winds (34)
Forbidden Vitamin (42)
Ley Line (43, focus 8)

Banishing Flame Stone (28) (or Lightning Rod (44))
Sky's Revenge (40, focus 12)
Thunder of Colith (45)

Thunderfangs (41)
Slayer's Sigil (43)
Quick Jolt (46)

:melee, magic:
Slayer's Crest (45, focus 10 (cum.))

* solo, magic burst, 60 charms

Manapulse Elixir (30)
Icy Winds (34)
Forbidden Vitamin (42)
Energy Wave (42)

Sky's Revenge (40, focus 12)
Lightning Rod (44)
Thunder of Colith (45)

Thunderfangs (41)
Slayer's Sigil (43)
Forked Lightning (44)
Horn of Smiting (44)
Quick Jolt (46)

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